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Q4 2021 - Product Releases

Notes on New Features, Improvements and Defect Resolutions

Jason Visenberg avatar
Written by Jason Visenberg
Updated over a week ago

December 16, 2021

iOS 4.31.0 and Android 4.33.0

  • Multi tier hierarchy support for mobile

December 16, 2021

Web Release Notes

  • Multi-tier hierarchy is now live for assets. Users can create up to 4 levels of hierarchy within their asset structure.

  • Users can now search and filter for checklists under the settings section.

  • Users can now set the timeframe in which a work order needs to be completed after is has been created via a meter trigger

  • Users can now utilize the filters show and hide non-stock parts.

Defect Resolutions

  • When a user updates a PM trigger work order priority, the priority will successfully be updated to none, low, medium, or high.

  • Users will be able to save all changes made to the “required” option under the request edit form.

  • Users that set a date preference to DD/MM/YY will now be able to see the desired format reflected on the date signature of the work order PDF.

  • When a user fulfills a purchase order, it will now be marked and saved as fulfilled.

  • When a user chooses to create a work order from an asset, and the location is set as “required” from the work order configuration section in settings, the user will be able to create a work order from the asset (as long as the asset has a set location) or will be able to edit and create the work order to add a location.

  • When a user rejects a request that includes parts from the request portal, the respective parts will no longer be displayed in the parts record, work order tab.

December 9, 2021

Web Release Notes

  • API documentation and page added to settings page

  • PM triggers now allow users to define when first work order will be created

  • Minor speed improvements to asset pages

Defect Resolutions

  • PM export no longer includes archived PM triggers

December 2, 2021

Web Release Notes


  • Additional onboarding data added for new customers

Defect Resolutions

  • Users can now import work orders without adding a priority value

  • "Required Signature" now working correctly for all work orders

  • Calendar view of work orders now works as expected when a large number of work orders fall on a single day

  • Assets can now handle more uploaded files

  • Work order configuration now working as expected in settings

  • Adding parts to a PM trigger no longer result in full quantity of part being added as default

November 21, 2021

Android 4.32.0 Release Notes


  • Custom Fields Mobile Support: Users can now see all of the single line text and multi line text custom fields established on the web while creating, viewing, and editing assets. This allows technicians to capture the most up to date asset information in cells that are reportable, filterable, and viewable on the web platform. With this release, we will also be removing the ability for users to add and edit legacy custom properties on mobile. They can still view the fields they previously had created but they cannot add any new fields or edit existing ones. This was done to ensure data consistency moving forward and encourage customers move over to the new Custom Fields functionality so they can greatly benefit from the incredible value that the new feature provides. In future releases, mobile will be expanding on the types of custom fields that we support (dropdown, date, currency, and number).

Defect Resolutions

  • Limited Techs and Techs will no longer get an error message when updating a task on a Work Order

November 21, 2021

iOS 4.30.0 Release Notes


  • Custom Fields Mobile Support: Users can now see all of the single line text and multi line text custom fields established on the web while creating, viewing, and editing assets. This allows technicians to capture the most up to date asset information in cells that are reportable, filterable, and viewable on the web platform. With this release, we will also be removing the ability for users to add and edit legacy custom properties on mobile. They can still view the fields they previously had created but they cannot add any new fields or edit existing ones. This was done to ensure data consistency moving forward and encourage customers move over to the new Custom Fields functionality so they can greatly benefit from the incredible value that the new feature provides. In future releases, mobile will be expanding on the types of custom fields that we support (dropdown, date, currency, and number).

Defect Resolutions

  • Requester users no longer see an error pop up when creating a request

November 19, 2021

iOS 4.29.0 and Android 4.31.0 Release Notes


  • Asset Archiving: In order to keep consistency across our web and mobile platform, we've taken what previously existed as active/inactive asset statuses and changed them to be archived/not archived. Previously, these statuses caused a lot of confusion and friction as users paying for asset tracking would see two options to track asset status. One via the operational status dropdown and one via this inactive/active check box. Now, users see a clear distinction in intended functionality for both of these features. Users are able to archive assets that aren't used and still retain their information to reference at a later date.

November 18, 2021

Web Release Notes


  • Custom fields for assets

    • Users can now create two types custom fields on their assets: Single line text and Multi-line text

    • Users can view custom fields in the asset table

    • Users can filter the asset table by custom fields

    • Users can import and export data into/out of custom fields

    • Users can report on custom fields in UpKeep Analytics

Parts in PMs

  • Users can search and add parts from the Create PM screen.

  • Users can see that if a part quantity is added to a PM trigger, the same quantity will be added to all triggered work orders.

  • Adding parts to PMs will allow users to forecast Parts Usage, budget with a higher degree of confidence, and accurately deplete inventory levels.

Defect Resolutions

  • Work orders can now be imported with View Only users (encompassing Request by ID and Requested by name).

  • Starter and Professional admin users can now access the AWF page.

  • Users now have the ability to enter partial numbers in the Estimate Hours field under PM Trigger creation.

  • Fixed bug where child assets were not being exported

  • Fixed bug breaking the asset table when searching or filtering not on page one

  • Fixed bug causing PDFs to not display correctly

  • Fixed bug causing downtime to sometimes be displayed as a negative percentage

November 11, 2021

Web Release Notes


  • New asset pages are live! We're making it easier than ever to manage assets all in one place. We've made many feature improvements such as sticky states, fixed column headers, column reordering, asset overview tabs, quick filters, mobile-web compatibility, and many many others that allows customers to customize how they view and consume their asset information. These pages are built with scale in mind to help users navigate massive data sets with ease.

  • Users can now remove teams from a part via the API

Defect Resolutions

  • Users can create automated workflows within any time constraints.

  • Freemium users should now have the ability to add and modify all user types (paid seats included).

  • From the asset details page, the QR code is now fully visible and no longer hidden by page content.

November 4, 2021

Web Release Notes


  • Users will now have the ability to start their workflow from the Work Order Calendar view, if that was their last view selection! Previously, users had to switch from list view to calendar view in order to start their workflow. With this release, they will be able to login and start their workflow from where they have last left off.

Defect Resolutions

  • Users can now bulk update assets’ parent asset ID fields.

  • The start date of past PM triggers can no longer be updated to the current date after editing has been made.

  • When a filter is applied within assets, a user has the ability to select and be directed to a specific page number and should no longer be redirected to page one.

  • WO Export is now working as expected.

November 3, 2021

Android 4.30.0 and iOS 4.28.0


  • Mobile Advanced Permissions Support: Limited Admins that don't have access to certain parts of the mobile app will now see an error message letting them know they're unable to access that part of the application.

October 28, 2021

Web Release Notes


  • Limited Admin (beta) is here! Limited Admins work similarly to Admins except they do not have access to setting, or the ability to view hourly rates in the people and teams tabs, nor do they have the ability to add/remove/edit people or teams. In the hierarchy of UpKeep users Limited Admins sit between a full-Admin and a Technician. You can find more information about this release here.

  • Users can now add teams to parts via the API.

  • Pre-populating a sub-location and sub-asset in all new accounts is now live!

Defect Resolutions

  • Data discrepancy between the Parts Consumption Report and the Parts Tab (web application) has been resolved, enabling accurate reporting for analytics.

October 21, 2021

Web Release Notes

Defect Resolutions

  • Users can now edit and save BOC PM triggers

October 14, 2021

Web Release Notes


  • Purchase Order explore in UpKeep Analytics now showcases Categories

  • Time Past Due in the Work Order Explore now showcases hours along with days

Defect Resolutions

  • Itemized Time Report no longer showcases Vendor ID

  • Locations for work orders now correctly populating in parts explore

  • Locations for assets now correctly populating in assets explore

  • Users can now filter PM work orders by date

  • Updating existing checklists within settings reflects changes on current work orders with those checklists

October 7, 2021

Web Release Notes

Defect Resolutions

  • Part cost can now successfully be updated via API

  • AED currency is now properly displayed on invoices

  • Work Order PDF export correctly shows users time zone

  • UpKeep Analytics dashboards now correctly show user time zone

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