Reliability Dashboard

Some quick descriptions on the different tiles found in the Reliability dashboard and how it might be calculated!

Ben On avatar
Written by Ben On
Updated over a week ago

Check out each section below for more information on the different tiles found in the Reliability dashboard. Each tile showcases different data that you may find useful!

Downtime and Availability

  • Total downtime (hrs): the total number of hours the asset(s) were not operational

  • % Available: the total percentage of time since being placed into service that the asset(s) were operational

  • Total Downtime Events: the total number of events where downtime was recorded for these asset(s)

Aggregate % Available

The total % of the month that the asset(s) were available/operational

Asset Downtime

  • % Downtime: The total % of the date range selected that the asset(s) recorded downtime

  • Total downtime events: the total number of downtime events

Repair Window: Averages (hrs)

  • Mean Time Between Failures: the availability time (uptime) of the asset divided by the number of events that were recorded during the specified date range

  • Mean Time Between Maintenance: the availability (uptime) divided by the number of completed work orders

  • Mean Time to Repair: the total maintenance time that was recorded to the asset(s), divided by the number of repairs


This showcases Mean Time Between Failures on a graph, so you can see how it is trending across several months.

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