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Total Maintenance Cost

See how much you are spending on maintenance overall!

Updated over 6 months ago

Total Maintenance Cost shows how much you're spending on maintenance overall. By using this data, you can reduce costs, improve preventive maintenance strategies, and prevent downtime.

Cost Center

  • Total Cost as % of RAV: This metric calculates the ratio of the total cost of work orders on an asset to its purchase price, expressed as a percentage. The formula is: (Cost of Work Orders ÷ Purchase Price) × 100. The industry standard target for this metric is 3%.

  • Total Maintenance Cost: This represents the total amount spent on maintaining the selected assets, tracked through work orders.

  • Total Purchase Price: This is the total purchase value of all selected assets.

Downtime and Costs

  • Total Downtime (hrs): The total number of downtime hours recorded for the asset within the specified date range.

  • Total Maintenance Cost: The total costs recorded for work orders assigned to the asset during the specified date range.

Downtime and Cost Trends

  • Total Downtime (hrs): Total downtime hours recorded to all assets across several months

  • Total Maintenance Cost: total costs recorded to all work orders across several months to showcase any trends

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