This article will go over how your team admin can create new PM triggers in bulk, so it does not need to be manually entered one at a time. This is especially helpful if you have multiple PM triggers that will be similar in tasks, description of work, etc.
Please Note** File size is limited to 10MB and names MUST be unique.
Importing now matches based off the PM Trigger ID COLUMN of your import. If there is not matching ID a new PM is created. If the ID matches, then all data changed in all other columns will be updated.
You can use CSV, XLS, XLSX, TSV or XML Format
You can also manually enter items to the table
If you need to Update the name of a PM Trigger you need to use the PM Trigger Name to change the name
Importing Guide
To create new PMs Download the PMs template by navigating to the import page and clicking "Download Template"
To Update PM Triggers select Export Current PM Triggers and makes changes to any columns EXCEPT the ID column. When done save the file locally for import.
If you only want to update certain PM triggers, you can filter them using our filters, then select the Export Filtered View.
When ready select Start PM Trigger Import Process
Upload your file by clicking Upload data from file, or enter the data manually in to the table provided
5. Confirm that the first row is ID/headers same as your file, then select YES if it matches
6. Next go through to evaluate and confirm column mapping. You MUST confirm ID column as this is what we use now to identify the PM Trigger you are updating or creating new.
7. View the data you are going to import
Changes can be made from the table
It will notify you of any issues with the import. You can correct issues from this screen and there will be a notification explaining what the issue is.
8. Select Finish and YES
Import Errors
Sometimes when you import your file you may have thought you had all the data in there, but it may turn out that you did not. Once your import goes through if there are any issues an Orange error box will show and you can review the issues
you can also down load the issues for review as well. Make sure you double check the CSV file guide below to make sure data is entered correctly.
Guide on how to enter data for each column
Where to locate the ID of a PM Trigger
Can Also be found in Column A of the export file of current PM Triggers
Column Header | Example Entry | Acceptable Values/Notes |
A- PM Trigger ID | I32q3G0hfz | 10 Character ID assigned and created by UpKeep for objects created in UpKeep
B - PM Trigger Name | Monthly Recurring PM 1 | NOTE:
C - Starts On Date | 06/11/2099 11:30:00 | This is the date that you would like your trigger to begin firing off new work orders Format:
D - Ends on Date | 06/11/2100 | Any work orders with a scheduled due date past this date will not be generated Format:
E - Timezone | America/Los_Angeles | Check out the full list of acceptable timezones! |
F - This Reoccurs Every (Number) | 7 |
G - This Reoccurs Every (Days/Weeks/Months/Years) | Days |
H - On Day(s) Of Week | MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA, SU, DAY | Only acceptable values:
I - On Day Of Month | 15 | Enter the DAY (1,2,3 etc.) Of the Month you want this to fire off on |
J -Creation Cadence Interval | 2 | The Interval Number for your creation Cadence
K - Creation Cadence Frequency | days(s) |
L - Next Occurrence Is Based On Completion (YES/NO) | YES | If a trigger is:
M- Work Order Title | Monthly PM โ HVAC | Title of the work order. If you have multiple work orders with similar names, it may be best to include other identifying information.
N - Work Order Description | Perform monthly maintenance activities for the HVAC unit. | Enter the description of your work order |
O - Work Order Priority | Medium | Only acceptable values:
P - Work Order Category | Preventative โ Electrical | Acceptable values: All default Category values and custom created categories
Q - Asset Name | HVAC 1 |
R - Location Name | Home Base |
S - Primary Assignee email |
| |
T - Additional People email |
| |
U - Team Name | HVAC Team |
V - Requires Signature (YES/NO) | NO | Only acceptable values:
W - Estimate Hours | 3 | The number of hours youโd like to block off on the Scheduler for this activity, based on how long you anticipate this will take to complete.
X - Checklist ID | KZDe7nhHPi |
Y - Archived Status (YES/NO) | NO |
Z - Create First PM Now (YES/NO) | YES |
AA -Paused | NO | Do you want to Pause/Restart the PM Trigger from creating work orders |