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How to Import Preventive Maintenance
How to Import Preventive Maintenance

Learn how to easily import all your Preventive Maintenance Schedules

Updated over 2 months ago

Available On: Starter, Professional and Business Plus

To import Preventive Maintenance (PM) schedules in UpKeep, you can customize your setup with time-based frequencies, usage-based frequencies (meters), or a mix of both. You can even create multiple PM schedules within the same template—for example, set one work order to generate every 3 months and another every 6 months, all under the same PM Trigger Template! 🔧

How to Import Preventive Maintenance

  1. Navigate to the Import/Export Tab or Select the Option Dots within the PM Triggers section and select Import

  2. Select the Preventive Maintenance Option

  3. Download a Template if creating new Templates

    1. If updating select Export Current Preventive Maintenance

  4. Select Start Preventive Maintenance Import Process

  5. Fill out the Template

  6. Add your File

  7. Select Finish

💡 Use this process to import both PM templates and schedules. Rows with identical Template details will merge into a single PM with multiple schedules. Before linking assets, locations, meters, or workers, make sure they already exist in your UpKeep account.

Import Guide


Example Entry



Template ID


Unique ID for the template

This is used if updating existing templates

PM Name

Routine Maintenance

Name of the Preventive Maintenance task

Unique names are helpful when searching/filtering

Work Order Name

HVAC Filter Replacement

Name of the work order triggered by the PM task

Describes the work order related to PM

Work Order Description

Replace the air filters in the HVAC system

Description of what the work order involves

This description will be on all Work Orders within the template

Work Order Priority


Priority level for the work order.





Work Order Category


Category that the work order falls under

Examples: Maintenance, Repairs, Inspections

Work Order Requires Signature


Whether the work order requires a signature




Work Order Estimated Duration


Estimated duration (in hours) to complete the work order

Duration for completion. Must be a whole number (no decimals)

Checklist ID (separated by comma)

123, 456

IDs of any associated checklists

Checklists must already exist in your UpKeep Account

Archived Status


Whether the template is archived




Create First WO Now


Whether to create the first work order now






Whether the PM schedule is paused




Schedule ID


ID of the schedule

This would be used when updating and existing schedule

Schedule Type


Type of schedule

- Calendar: Time-based PM
- Meter: Usage-based PM Trigger

Starts on Date

12/10/2024 11:39:14

Date when the first work order will be triggered.

Date Format: MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS

Ends on Date

12/10/2024 11:39:14

Date when the PM schedule ends.

Date Format: MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS

Time Zone


Time zone for the PM schedule.

Time zone applicable to the location.

This Reoccurs Every (Number)


The frequency of recurrence (number of units).

Example: "1" means it recurs every "1" month.

This Reoccurs Every (Days/Weeks/Months/Years)


The unit of time for recurrence.

- day(s)
- week(s)
- week(s) by days of the week
- On specific days
- month(s)
- month(s) by days of the month
- month(s) by position of month (e.g., First Monday)
- year(s)

On Day(s) of week

Specific days for weekly reoccurrence


- For weeks: Mo/Tu/We/Th/Fr/Sa/Su
- For specific days of the month, use DAY

On Day(s) of month


Day of the month when the task is scheduled

Day of the month (1-31)

Creation Cadence Interval


Interval in which new work orders are created.

This is how soon you want the Work Order to appear on your Work Orders list before it is due

Creation Cadence Frequency


Frequency at which the work orders are created.

- day(s)
- week(s)
- week(s) by days of the week
- On specific days
- month(s)
- month(s) by days of the month
- month(s) by position of month (e.g., First Monday)
- year(s)

Is Next Occurrence Based On Completion


Whether the next occurrence is based on the completion of the current task.




Asset ID


ID of the asset related to the PM

Can be found in the URL or when exporting the asset

Location ID


ID of the location where the work order is performed.

Can be found in the URL or when exporting the Location

Meter ID


ID of the meter used to track usage or readings

Can be found in the URL or when exporting the meter

Meter Condition


Condition for when the meter should trigger the work order

- Every
- Less Than
- Greater Than
- Exactly

Meter Condition Value


The value that triggers the meter

e.g., 3 for every 3 units

Meter Due Frequency


How soon after triggering should the Work Order be due

- Minutes
- Hours
- Days
- Weeks
- Months
- Year

Meter Due Interval


How soon after triggering should the Work Order be due

e.g., 1 month, 1 year, etc.

Primary Assignee ID


ID of the primary assignee for the work order.

Can be found in the URL or when exporting from People & Teams

Additional Assignee IDs

PC51Rty6i3, I681Rxy6jt

IDs of additional assignees for the work order

Can be found in the URL or when exporting from People & Teams

Team ID


ID of the team assigned to the work order

Can be found in the URL or when exporting from People & Teams

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