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Q4 2023 - Product Releases

Notes on New Features, Improvements and Defect Resolutions

Nate Parsons avatar
Written by Nate Parsons
Updated over a week ago

December 21, 2023

iOS 4.53 Mobile Release Notes

Defect Resolutions

  • There is no longer an extra field displayed on the request screen.

Android 4.53 Mobile Release Notes


  • Android create asset fields now match web and iOS.

  • When filtering on asset, selecting a parent automatically selects the children in the filter.

  • Word orders can now be sorted by Start Date.

Defect Resolutions

  • Users can add line breaks to work order comments.

  • View only users can search for parts.

Web Release Notes


  • Photo Enhancements

    • Users now have the ability to upload and view more than 5 images on a work order.

  • Work Order List View

    • Work order list view within the asset record has a new filterable and sortable table.

Defect Resolutions

  • Notifications should abide by locations based permissions as expected. (This does not apply to purchase orders & daily summary/reports)

  • Daily summary emails should no longer reference recurring WO creation.

December 15, 2023

Web Release Notes


  • Import/exporting Meters can now be set as a permission for custom roles.

  • Serial Number and Manufacturer added as default Asset fields

    • Manufacturer allows users to select from their list of Vendors (not free form text!)

    • Serial Number is searchable in the Asset list

    • Manufacturer is filterable in the Asset list

    • Import and Export are supported and

      • Customers who currently have a custom field for tracking either of these will need to manually update their data

    • Mobile users must be on iOS version 4.54.0 or Android version 4.57.0 in order to use these fields

  • Work orders can now be backdated as historical & complete.

  • Purchase orders can bulk approve and decline.

  • WO time entry can only be deleted one time.

Defect Resolutions

  • Work Order count accurately updates when filtering by work order start date

  • Attaching or removing multiple parts to an asset links/unlinks the asset to all respective parts

  • WO timer modifications will no longer remove extra seconds.

November 30, 2023

Android 4.58 Mobile Release Notes


  • Auto select child assets in work order filter

    • WO List filter toggle now auto selects and includes all children assets.

Web Release Notes


  • UI Update

    • Tables now have the ability to copy cell text. Not all cell types are supported yet, only text based cells can be copied.

Defect Resolutions

  • Removed ability to add checklist when creating a request.

November 16, 2023

Web Release Notes

Defect Resolutions

  • Users can now save their custom SAML in settings.

  • Users can now import large quantities of PMs and have the Work Orders trigger.

  • PO list loads as expected even when a PO does not have any parts assigned.

  • Attaching new parts to an asset will not overwrite existing part<>asset links.

November 9, 2023

iOS 4.53 Mobile Release Notes


  • Select all child assets on WO list view

    • Users can toggle “Include add child assets” to auto select all child assets from the parent asset.

  • WO UI Updates

    • Updated grid and upload section of work orders and requests in the new UI.

  • Photo Enhancements

    • Improved logic around deleting images and error handling.

  • Extend Work Order created “view” Snag Bar to 10 seconds

    • The time of toast is extended to 10 seconds in order for technicians to have enough time to immediately start working on the work order + X button to exit sooner than 10 seconds.

Defect Resolutions

  • Lite Plan users are able to login as expected.

Web Release Notes


  • New Settings Page

    • The new settings page is now live!

    • This is a new face lift for the settings page that will help establish:

      • Clear differences between org-wide vs user settings

      • Organization based on object type (WO, Parts, Purchase Orders, etc).

  • Work Requests

    • Viewing Work Requests is now a configurable option on custom roles.

Defect Resolutions

  • PM list view can now be filtered by Team.

  • All Multi Asset PM work orders will show in the PM history tab.

  • Users can now move BOC PM Work orders to any due date and it will not conflict with the PM creation.

  • All Work Orders can be exported as expected.

  • The `And` and `Then` fields on saved automated workflows are now populating correctly.

October 26, 2023

iOS 4.52 Mobile Release Notes


  • Select all child assets on WO list view

    • Users can toggle “Include add child assets” to auto select all child assets from the parent asset.

Defect Resolutions

  • Users are able to select “Read More” on the WO details page.

  • Attached files can now be opened on work orders.

Web Release Notes


  • API Update

    • Users can now access itemized cost details via the API.

  • Checklist Import Improvements for PM Triggers

    • Checklist IDs replaces name during import on PM Triggers.

    • Multiple checklist IDs can be included during import on PM Triggers in comma-separated array.

    • If an existing checklist ID is included, the task will be left as is. If a new checklist ID is included, existing tasks will be replaced with new ones. If both are included, the new ones will be added on to existing tasks.

    • If a checklist ID field is blank, no changes are made to the checklists/tasks on the PM Trigger.

Defect Resolutions

  • Updating BOC PMs to Regular via import creates a new fulfillment with Due Date and Trigger Date.

  • Users can now delete assets that are associated to a PM.

  • PMs can be updated via import from Repeat Regularly to Based on Completion.

October 19, 2023

Web Release Notes


  • DataHub: Automated Downtime Tracking

    • Automatically send data from PLCs to UpKeep to identify & track asset downtime

    • Detect downtime using ON/OFF signals, current draw, and more

    • Capture downtime events in the asset downtime log

  • Checklists: Grouped Tasks for Mobile and Web

    • Ability to group tasks by checklist

    • Supports multiple checklists

    • Completion progress of a Checklist on mobile

  • User Experience: Inventory Area Display Updates, New Parts and Purchase Order Filters

    • Improved usability for location detail (location and area)

    • Available on web and mobile experiences

    • Improved filtering

  • Label Printing: Part Record QR Label Enhancements

    • Generate QR Label Code in 1” x 2 ⅝” format

    • Label details include: Part Name, Barcode, Location, and Area fields

    • Select which to print

  • Updated UI for the Files list (

    • This update allows users to scroll through all their files as opposed to being limited to seeing a single page

Defect Resolutions

  • View only users are able to view inventory lines.

  • Users are able to select and deselect all children in the Assets filter modal on the Work Orders page.

  • Deleted time logs are applied to time of log and not time of deletion.

  • Plan changes after purchase are now immediately reflected.

October 12, 2023

Web Release Notes


  • Customer detail is now available in Zapier work order payloads.

Defect Resolutions

  • Users can successfully create meter based PM triggers.

  • Users now have the ability to add multiple parts to a PO from the parts list.

  • Addressed various places of the app that were unclickable after taking certain actions (discarding WOs, deleting POs or Parts).

  • Dependent tasks now retain in PM triggers.

October 5, 2023

Web Release Notes


  • The following fields have been added to the Work Order Export:

    • Created on

    • End Due Date (Time)

    • End Due Date (Date)

    • Labor Cost

    • Additional Cost

    • Root Work Order Exists

    • Next Due Date

    • Updated on

    • Time

    • Asset Category

  • The work order list view location filter will now select all children location records when the parent is selected.

  • Significant performance improvements have been made to the asset list and asset pickers across the web app.

Defect Resolutions

  • Users can successfully create meter based PM triggers.

  • Users can update/create checklists via import without error.

  • Column customizations are now retained when hiding a column and refreshing the page.

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