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Q2 2023 - Product Releases

Notes on New Features, Improvements and Defect Resolutions

Nate Parsons avatar
Written by Nate Parsons
Updated over a week ago

July 20, 2023

iOS 4.49 and Android 4.54 Mobile Release Notes


  • Upload Task Images While Offline

    • Users can now upload images to individual tasks while offline

    • Images will sync automatically once back online

    • Unlimited images

Web Release Notes


  • DataHub: Edge as a Destination

    • Automatically sends data from PLCs and sensors to Edge to visualize data and identify trends

    • Supports UpKeep Sensors, Allen-Bradley PLCs, Siemens PLCs, IO Link Protocol

    • Data updates every minute

  • Parts: Updated Ledger & Ability to Transfer Parts Across Inventory Lines

    • Captures and displays chronological history of transactions for parts & inventory

    • Allows transfer of quantities of inventory from one line to another for the same part record

  • Email Notifications: Low Stock Parts

    • Automated email triggered when parts quantity is less than minimum quantity threshold

    • A notification is triggered the first time the quantity decreases below the minimum value, and each subsequent time after

  • Email Notification Control V1

    • Reduces email volume/noise

    • Ability to set email notifications for specific actions:

      • Work Orders, Requests, Purchase Orders, Parts, Summaries & Reports

    • Notifications with location based permissions:

      • Work Orders, Requests, Parts

  • Admin: Improvements to Import / Export

    • Checklists, Customers, Teams, Vendors, People, Meters, Meter Triggers

    • New upload wizard

    • Additional file types and data editing

    • Field and value specific valid

    • Partial row uploads even if one data point fails

    • Granular / single cell failure error handling

    • Downloadable partially failed rows

    • Updated sidebar icons

  • Purchase Order: UI / UX Modernization

    • Part Number & PO Fulfillment Date added to PO Details Page

    • Users can now create new Part from PO Details Page

    • Users can now select multiple Parts and add to PO

  • Ability to add a checklist to a request before approval

Defect Resolutions

  • Ability to add different color mapping points on Location floor plans

  • Assets get saved when creating an automated workflow that assigns an asset to a work order

  • Parts page will no longer show blank data after downloading QR codes

  • Users will be navigated to their People & Teams module when selecting the assignee from the PM record

July 13, 2023

Web Release Notes


  • Multi Asset PM's now have a creation cadence configuration for Based on Completion type schedules.

  • On the Asset Details and Asset Create/Edit page, custom fields now show up alphabetically by field name.

    • On the Edit page, fields that already have a value are shown first in alphabetical order, then empty fields appear in alphabetical order.

Defect Resolutions

  • PO Beta Fixes (POs are still in Beta so these only apply to beta users)

    • Added Activity tab

    • Ability to edit POs after approval, decline, or fulfillment

    • Ability to decline POs that are approved, or approve declined POs

    • Ability to add parts to a PO with 0 qty

    • Auto generated PO number shows up right away in the list

    • Ability to see the list of parts on a PO from the PO list

    • Location name added to Parts picker when creating a PO

    • Location name appended to end of Part name on PO detail page

    • PO number added to edit and detail pages

  • Parts can now be deleted off work orders and out of inventory without persisting

  • Location, Asset, and Team names are now importing correctly when left blank

  • PM Trigger export now includes time zone

  • Users can now export checklists on the list view and dromo page

June 29, 2023

iOS 4.49 Release Notes


  • Uploading images to tasks while offline (In Beta)

    • Users can now upload images to individual tasks while offline.

    • Images will sync automatically once back online.

  • Location Name appears when scanning an inventory line

    • If multiple inventory lines is enabled, users can now see the inventory lines location when scanning from Home, Parts, and Work orders.

    • If the same barcode is used on multiple inventory lines, then all inventory lines & location will appear that apply to that barcode.

  • Deleting Photos from Tasks

    • Users are now able to delete photos from tasks.

Android 4.54 Release Notes


  • Feedback Forum added to the Mobile App

    • Technicians will have access to the forum on the mobile app in the more section

  • Uploading images to tasks while offline (In Beta)

    • Users can now upload images to individual tasks while offline.

    • Images will sync automatically once back online.

  • Location Name appears when scanning an inventory line from HOME SCAN ONLY

    • If multiple inventory lines is enabled, users can now see the inventory lines location when scanning from Home, Parts, and Work orders.

    • If the same barcode is used on multiple inventory lines, then all inventory lines & location will appear that apply to that barcode.

June 22, 2023

UpKeep Pre-Release Product BETA Period Available June 22nd - July 18th

To help ensure a smooth transition with our upcoming product feature release on July 19th we are providing early access and demo videos to a sub-set of features for BETA testing.

Features available in BETA and Links to Quick (5 min or less) Demo Videos:

BETA sign-up for access will be provided directly in UpKeep via an in-app notification and is available beginning Thursday June 22nd.

Our customer webinar is scheduled for Thursday, July 13th. Please register via the link here.

June 9, 2023

iOS 4.48 Release Notes


  • Feedback Forum added to the Mobile App

    • Technicians will have access to the forum on the mobile app in the more section

  • Custom event tracking for Work Order Drafts

    • We can now identify and measure specific events and actions with work order draft creation online and offline

Android 4.53 Release Notes


  • Feedback Forum added to the Mobile App

    • Technicians will have access to the forum on the mobile app in the more section

  • Custom event tracking for Work Order Drafts

    • We can now identify and measure specific events and actions with work order draft creation online and offline

  • Deleting Photos from Tasks

    • Users are now able to delete photos from tasks

  • Adding Work Order Files directly to a Work Order

    • When a user adds a file from a work order it will now directly attach to the WO instead of just the files list

Web Release Notes

Defect Resolutions

  • All users can now access categories on requests creation

  • Multi-site site names are consistent across pages

  • Requests list will no longer include recurring work orders

  • Analytics: Business plus users can create and manage scheduled emails

  • Checklists can now properly save on web

May 25, 2023

Web Release Notes


  • Location based permissions for WO related email notifications is now live.

  • Admin users are now able to export people.

  • New import/export flow for:

    • Checklists

    • Customers

Defect Resolutions

  • Changes to the Creation Cadence schedule for a Preventive Maintenance record will now persist when saving.

  • Users can now attach images to work order updates.

  • New recurring work orders can now be created without time error.

  • PMs and non-request work orders are now removed from the Request list.

  • Requests created in the portal no longer require signature by default.

  • Filtering requests by Submitted by user returns correct requests.

  • Fixed bug causing some requests to return a blank page.

May 18, 2023

Web Release Notes

Defect Resolutions

  • Meters, users, and assets assigned to checklists are kept when importing PM triggers.

May 11, 2023

iOS 4.47 Release Notes


  • Deleting Photos from Tasks

    • Users are now able to delete photos from tasks.

    • The common use case for this is because users tend to accidentally upload the wrong photo and will need to delete it.

  • Home Scan with multiple inventory lines includes location

    • When a user scans a QR code for an individual inventory line the location will appear with the inventory line name.

  • Part List Scan with multiple inventory lines shows inventory line detail

    • When a user scans a QR code for an individual inventory line, the inventory line detail now appears instead of the primary part detail.

Web Release Notes


  • Location Based Permissions: Default Visibility

    • Work orders, meters, parts, and assets without locations assigned are now visible to users regardless of their location based access setting.

  • Requests Improvements

    • The category picker is now searchable on the request page.

    • The request list can now be filtered by Work order status.

    • There is now a column for work order status.

    • There is now an add time stamp to the submitted date column on the request list.

    • Fields have now been rearranged to place priority and image closer to the top of the request page.

Defect Resolutions

  • Users editing PM's will no longer be able to change the start date to the current date.

  • The PM history tab list view will always display by the due date in chronological order.

  • Parts which have an image associated before converting to Multi Inventory lines will no longer prevent adding a new inventory line.

  • The “Assigned By Full Name” in the Work Order Explore has now been fixed

  • Requests related bug fixes:

    • Users are able to see more than one image on a request.

    • Images on requests are now visible to technicians, requesters, and view only users.

    • Images on requests are now visible after the request has been approved.

    • Requests can now be approved if an image is required and an image is added to the request.

    • Users now have the ability to filter the request list by more than one status at a time.

May 4, 2023

Web Release Notes

Defect Resolutions

  • Locations can now be removed from parts records (non inventory line).

  • Deleting a part record will now delete all inventory lines.

  • Low stock indication will now appear once the available quantity value is below the minimum quantity threshold.

  • Multi Asset PM's with a repeat type of After Completion can now be edited without error.

  • Resuming a Paused PM will no longer set the next work order as past due.

April 28, 2023

Web Release Notes


  • Technicians no longer have permission to delete Vendors and Customers.

  • When adding and editing checklists on work orders, tasks are now grouped by checklist, draggable as a group, and collapsable.

  • Users can now modify the due date of a PM triggered work order by editing the work order itself.

  • Users will now be prevented from losing work order data when navigating away. They will be asked to acknowledge discarding any changes prior.

  • DataHub Update:

    • New work orders created from a meter trigger will only be created if the previous meter triggered work order was completed.

  • API Update:

    • Temporary IDs for work orders pulled from the /work-order-schedule endpoint will now be included for legacy recurring work orders (Certarus).

  • Improvements to importing checklists onto Work Orders and PM Triggers:

    • ID now used as primary key

    • Multiple checklists can be imported in a comma separated list

    • Additional checklists can be added via import as long as existing checklist IDs are included

Defect Resolutions

  • Users can now see their company logo on purchase orders.

  • Work orders in a complete, in progress, or on hold status will appear on the requests list.

  • Searching, filtering, sorting from the locations page are now functioning as expected.

  • Files can now be added to Parts records.

  • Users can now move their PM work order events on the PM calendar.

  • In the Location Based Permissions modal, location names longer than one line are now properly displayed.

April 21, 2023

Web Release Notes


  • Analytics Update

    • A Preventive Maintenance Explore has now been added to the Analytics dropdown.

Defect Resolutions

  • PM Calendar event widgets can now be moved to alter the due date of the work order.

  • Users will no longer be able to double click the “create request” button, which had previously caused duplicate request creations.

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