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Q2 2021 - Product Releases

Notes on New Features, Improvements and Defect Resolutions

Jason Visenberg avatar
Written by Jason Visenberg
Updated over a week ago

June 30, 2021

Web Release Notes

Defect Resolutions

  • PM Triggers can now remove and un-assign data from future WOs

  • Out of stock filter now working correctly in Parts section

  • Editing and saving PMs no longer reverts creation

June 27, 2021

Mobile Release Notes - iOS 4.23.0


  • Multi-site is now supported on iOS. Users can switch between sites seamlessly. Learn more here.

  • Improved performance and functionality on barcode scanner

Defect Resolutions

  • Hourly rates correctly calculated automatically

  • View only users can no longer toggle assets as active/inactive along with a few other actions

June 24, 2021

Web App Release Notes


  • WO and task details are now carried over to newly created WOs when a task is updated that has an automated workflow

Defect Resolutions

  • View only users no longer have ability to edit/create PM triggers

  • Part cost no longer duplicating in WO PDF

  • Other minor bug fixes and improvements

June 22, 2021

Mobile Release Notes - Android 4.24.0

Defect Resolutions

  • Reduced app size by over 25%

  • Hourly rates correctly calculated automatically

  • App no longer crashes for certain users when editing/adding assets

June 10, 2021

Web App Release Notes


  • QR code generator now generates QR codes that are excel compatible

Defect Resolutions

  • WOs triggered from PMs now showcase overdue notices correctly

  • PMs that are assigned to teams now show on the view PM screen

  • Checklists created on mobile can now be added to PMs

  • Minor bug fixes and improvements to automated workflows and performance

June 7, 2021

Mobile Release Notes - iOS 4.22.0

Defect Resolutions

  • Work order descriptions with >3 lines now behave correctly

June 4, 2021

Mobile Release Notes - Android 4.23.0


  • Multi-site is now supported on Android. Users can switch between sites seamlessly. Learn more here.

June 3, 2021

Web App Release Notes

Defect Resolutions

  • Checklist updates in PMs now reflect in triggered work orders

  • Removed start date timezone in WO export to help avoid problems for users

May 20, 2021

Web App Release Notes

Defect Resolutions

  • Labor Costs are now appearing accurately & timely on Work Order Invoice PDFs

  • Editing Preventive Maintenance Triggers now maintains accurate state of Images and Tasks/ Checklists

  • Work Orders created from bulk Approvals of Requests now receive their own unique Work Order number for identification purposes

May 18, 2021

Mobile Release Notes - iOS 4.21.0


  • Work Orders

    • Previously, users with an hourly rate associated that logged time on a Work Order could not complete the work order if Costs were required. Now, if time has been logged by a user with an Hourly Rate, UpKeep now accepts the Cost associated with the logged time and will allow user to complete the Work Order. We also apply a tag to the costs section of a work order that lets users know that there is an hourly rate associated with that Work Order.

  • On Time Completion in the My Impact section

    • Located on the Mobile home screen, this metric is now calculated for all time, not per week. This will allow technicians to easily see how they are doing overall while still providing the ability to drill in and see On Time Completion for "this week" if they'd like!

  • Miscellaneous

    • More intuitive and obvious buttons to "clear" and exit Searches and Filters when no results are displayed.

    • Trinidad & Tobago currency is now supported!

Defect Resolutions

  • Technicians and Limited Technicians can now restock any part, regardless of if they created it. This experience on mobile will now align with the current web functionality.

  • Fixed issue where Technicians could delete meters they had not created

May 17, 2021

Mobile Release Notes - Android 4.21.0


  • Previously, users with an hourly rate associated that logged time on a Work Order could not complete the work order if Costs were required. Now, if time has been logged by a user with an Hourly Rate, UpKeep now accepts the Cost associated with the logged time and will allow user to complete the Work Order. We also apply a tag to the costs section of a work order that lets users know that there is an hourly rate associated with that Work Order.

Defect Resolution

  • Technicians are no longer able to delete assets that they did not create

May 15, 2021

Web App Release Notes

Defect Resolutions

  • Users no longer have the ability to delete automated meters from the Meters Table, so that data is preserved!

  • Importing Preventive Maintenance Triggers now allows for Triggers based on completion to be successfully imported

  • Asset, Location and Files data are displayed on the Edit screen of Preventive Maintenance Triggers (previously this data was not being displayed, even if the Trigger in question had that data added to it already)

  • Previous error messages/ page load failures after clicking on Assets, Locations and Files from a Preventive Maintenance Trigger

May 6, 2021

Web App Release Notes


  • Task items on the Work Order export can now be flattened. This allows each task, picture, comment, and value to be placed into its own cell when exporting in order make it much easier to conduct data analyses on the Work Orders.

Mobile Release Notes - iOS 4.20.0


  • Work Order Filters and Sorting Redesign

    • Work Order Filters and Sorting have a new look to help streamline users' workflows and create a more consistent experience across the mobile app. This redesign now aligns the visual display of Work Orders with Requests!

  • Enhanced Scanning

    • Users can now scan any barcode or QR code and they will be prompted with a list of actions depending on whether that object is an Asset or a Part. By simply scanning, users can quickly view Object Details, create Work Orders, or restock Parts all from their Mobile home screen. With enhanced scanning, correct and consistent data entry is easy, saving time in the field. Plus, selecting and linking the correct Asset to the appropriate Work Order is now easier than ever!

May 3, 2021

Mobile Release Notes - Android 4.20.0


  • More intuitive and obvious buttons to "clear" and exit Searches and Filters when no results are displayed.

  • Trinidad & Tobago currencies are now supported!

April 29, 2021

Web App Release Notes

Defect Resolutions

  • Removing Additional Users in PM Triggers now functions properly

  • Export for Child Assets now exports all relevant data

April 23, 2021

Web App Release Notes

UpKeep Analytics Improvements

  • Work Order and Parts Reports now showcase the Work Orders' Locations appropriately

  • Requester Email now available for Custom Request Reports

Defect Resolutions

  • When a Work Order is Completed the linked Assets' Location at time of completion now persists in UpKeep Analytics regardless of whether or not the Location of the Asset is changed in the future

April 16, 2021

Mobile Release Notes - Android 4.20.0


  • Work Order Filters and Sorting Redesign

    • Work Order Filters and Sorting have a new look to help streamline users' workflows and create a more consistent experience across the mobile app. This redesign now aligns the visual display of Work Orders with Requests!

  • On Time Completion in the My Impact section

    • Located on the Mobile home screen, this metric is now calculated for all time, not per week. This will allow technicians to easily see how they are doing overall while still providing the ability to drill in and see On Time Completion for "this week" if they'd like!

  • Phone numbers, emails, etc. are now linked in Work Order descriptions for quick and easy access.

Defect Resolutions

  • Technicians and Limited Technicians can now restock any part, regardless of if they created it. This aligns the Mobile and Web experiences!

  • Cost formatting now displays commas for numbers over 1,000.

April 16, 2021

Mobile Release Notes - iOS 4.19.0


  • Work Order Details Below the Fold

    • In an effort to streamline and simplify the workflow for Technicians on Work Orders, this new experience reimagines the details displayed on a Work Order. Critical actions have been elevated while less common actions are still available, but no longer displayed in the primary view window.

    • Users can now quickly and easily see all of the information required to get Work Orders completed on time, getting them home to their families faster and saving their businesses' money.

  • Users can now adjust inventory levels with the addition of negative quantities while restocking via mobile.

April 1, 2021

Web Release Notes - iOS 4.19.0


  • Import is now available for all users in Preventive Maintenance

  • Meters now integrates directly with UpKeep Edge

Defect Resolutions

  • Due Date is now an available filter criteria for Preventive Maintenance via the API

  • Work Order Due Date filters correctly

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