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Advanced Steps for Account Set-Up

Getting into the finer details of Account set up

Jason Visenberg avatar
Written by Jason Visenberg
Updated over a week ago

Now that you have your account set up to operate at the basic function level, lets step it up a notch and really get this account rolling!

With in Upkeep you have the ability depending on what paid plan level you are on, to create Task Checklists, set up your Preventive Maintenance, set up Meters to track readings needed to be done on equipment and customize your Work Order request form.

Below you will find Information on the following:

  • Create Task Checklists

  • Create a Preventative Maintenance Schedule

  • Create and Set-up Meters

  • Set-up Your Request Forms

Step 1: Create Task Checklists for Preventive Maintenance Triggers and Work Orders

Check Lists allow you to set up specific task items that needed to be done when working on equipment.

In UpKeep you have the ability to create these checklist, so that they can easily be added to work orders that are created and your team can make sure they get the correct work done.

Most commonly checklist would be used to mark equipment as pass or fail, enter a meter reading before and after work is done, leave notes on inspections preformed etc.

For more on Checklist, click a button below:

Quick Gif of Making a Checklist:

Step 2: Create Your Preventative Maintenance Triggers

Preventative Maintenance is work done on a repeating schedule to prevent failures or breakdowns or to simply keep your equipment in the best working shapre. This could include monthly inspections, parts replacements, or detection reporting.

The goal of Preventative Maintenance is to detect and avoid issues before they become an issue. With our Preventative Maintenance module in UpKeep, you can easily create repeating work orders over a given frequency (daily, monthly, annual, etc). This way your team can move from reactive to a more proactive maintenance mindset!

For more on Preventive Maintenance, click a button below:

Step 3: Create and Set-up Meters

With our Meter feature, in UpKeep you can quickly enter Meter readings and set up work orders triggers to fire off work orders according to meter readings.

We can measure readings for Hours, Milage, Degrees, PSI etc.

For more on Meters click the buttons below:

Step 4: Set-up Your Request Forms

Requests are a central part of any team's workflow. Requests can come in from different users throughout the team to be approved by an Administrator to become a Work Order.

With UpKeep we have the ability to edit our Request Forms so that we can get the information we desire to best create a Work Order. We have our Request Form for our Requester Users, users who have an UpKeep login.

Click below for more on Request Forms:

For questions or concerns please reach out to Support at [email protected] or via chat in your Upkeep account under Contact US.

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