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Q3 2023 - Product Releases

Notes on New Features, Improvements and Defect Resolutions

Nate Parsons avatar
Written by Nate Parsons
Updated over a week ago

September 29, 2023

Fall’ 23 UpKeep Product Release: DataHub Automated Downtime Tracking, Grouped Tasks for Checklists, Automated Work Order Due Dates, and more!

To help ensure a smooth transition with our upcoming product feature release on October 18th we are providing early access and demo videos to a sub-set of features for BETA testing.

Features available in BETA and Links to Quick (5 min or less) Demo Videos:

BETA sign-up for access will be provided directly in UpKeep via an in-app notification and is available beginning Friday, September 29th.

Our customer webinar is scheduled for Thursday, October 12th. Please register via the link here.

September 28, 2023

Web Release Notes

Defect Resolutions

  • Asset sort order on Work order list view filter and Work order asset field will now be in alphabetical order.

  • Users can now create PM triggers for all schedule types with foreign browser language settings.

  • In Requests, dropdown selections are now retained after selection.

September 21, 2023

Web Release Notes


  • Additional Purchase Order list view filters

    • PO's can now be filtered by PO Number, Company Name & Parts.

  • Additional Parts / Inventory list view filters

    • Parts can now be filtered by Area, Customer, Team, Additional Details & Description.

  • Parts Page Update

    • There is now a discard safeguard so users navigating away from an active edit page will not lose data.

Defect Resolutions

  • Checklists and tasks now display the proper names on the pm trigger details and edit page.

September 14, 2023

Web Release Notes


  • Part number field will now be displayed on the Part details form.

  • Users can right click to copy QR code images for Parts and Assets.

Defect Resolutions

  • Multiple choice edit/add options in checklists are now loading as expected.

  • Asset imports with the same name and different fields no longer imports assets with duplicate fields.

  • Users are now able to import PM triggers without error.

  • Work orders created via meter trigger display tasks correctly.

August 31, 2023

Mobile BE Release Notes


  • Push Notifications will honor Location and sub location Based Permissions

    • If Location based permissions are turned on, then users will only receive a push notification if they have access to the location tied to the notification

Web Release Notes


  • Updated Translations for Spanish, German, French, and Arabic

    • Should increase coverage of these translations, particularly on the newer pages (Parts, POs, Requests)

  • Added Parts Number and Description to the Parts tab on Assets

Defect Resolutions

  • Multiple choice tasks are now behaving as expected on Work Orders created from Requests on mobile

  • PM Triggers now export date/time stamps in local timezone instead of GMT

  • Parts records can now be filtered by Status and Location

  • Parts records can now be filtered by Vendors without error

  • Completed WO records can now be exported in bulk to PDF

  • PM triggers when resumed will now trigger work orders for the appropriate future dates

  • Status of a WO in the request portal is reflected properly and when deleted is removed from the portal as well

  • PO related email notifications now link to the correct PO page

August 24, 2023

Web Release Notes

Defect Resolutions

  • Users can now add a calendar schedule to meter only scheduled PM's.

  • Accurate low stock & out of stock indicators will appear for all part records.

  • Parts are correctly included when exporting assets from the list.

August 17, 2023

Web Release Notes


  • Editing work requests is now configurable for custom roles.

  • Second Edge icon in the sidebar footer has been replaced with a link to UpKeep’s Help page.

  • API Updates:

    • Users can now upload CSV files via the API.

    • All work order and form items now include an updatedBy field that references the ID for the user that made the last update.

Defect Resolutions

  • Accurate Low Stock & Out of Stock indicators will appear for all part records.

  • View only users can now download PO PDFs.

  • Dropdowns will no longer be cut off at the bottom of pages.

August 10, 2023

Android 4.55 Release Notes


  • Multiple Inventory Line Location Visibility w/ same QR code

    • When multiple inventory lines are enabled and users are using the same barcode to differentiate inventory lines, they can now see every inventory line and location when scanning a QR code from the home scan and work order creation scan.

Defect Resolutions

  • Users now have the ability to open a photo on a work order more than once without having to swipe out

    • Technicians will have access to the forum on the mobile app in the more section

  • When Multiple Inventory Lines are enabled, users can now:

    • Add a part to a work order without crashing

    • De-select inventory lines when adding to a work order

  • When saving a work order, the text copy has changed to be more intuitive and clear

Web Release Notes

Defect Resolutions

  • Users will now be able to duplicate work orders without error

  • Multiple Choice task options will no longer be dropped from work orders created through requests approval

August 3, 2023

Web Release Notes


  • Allow Negative Values for Meter Triggers

    • Users can now set negative values for meter triggers.

  • Allow Updates to Form-Items

    • Tasks IDs will remain unchanged when updating checklists.

Defect Resolutions

  • Limited techs on the basic plan will no longer see the People and Teams nav menu and will be directed to the 404 page when deeplinked

  • Location based users can no longer search for work orders with assets that they do not have access to

  • RFC 5322 Compliance Soft Bounce has been addressed, moving forward users will no longer be placed on the mandrill denylist

  • Links to Assets warranty file and purchase receipt are now available on the detail page

  • Adding new parts to a pending PO will no longer auto approve the PO

  • Searching, sorting, and filtering the PO list will no longer exclude POs created by users other than the current user

  • Edits to POs will no longer result in an error

  • Users can now upload .txt files via the API

July 27, 2023

Web Release Notes

Defect Resolutions

  • Additional details now appear on downloaded PO PDFs

  • Users are now able to add custom PO numbers to a Purchase Order

  • Creating a manual adjustment of a part with a description containing a line break no longer breaks the Adjustments tab

  • Checklists are correctly saved and carried over to Work Orders when they are added to a Request

  • Update sync has now been addressed for new assets added to a multi asset PM allowing WOs to trigger as intended

  • RFC 5322 Compliance Soft Bounce has been addressed, moving forward users will no longer be placed on the mandrill denylist

  • People exports is now working as expected regardless of location based user setting

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