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Q1 2023 - Product Releases

Notes on New Features, Improvements and Defect Resolutions

Nate Parsons avatar
Written by Nate Parsons
Updated over a week ago

April 14, 2023

iOS 4.46.2 and Android 4.52 Mobile Release Notes


  • Work Order Drafts

    • Users will now be able to save a work order as a draft.

    • Drafts will now be saved in the create screen on mobile.

    • All mobile users will now be able to create drafts while online.

    • Draft logic for offline:

      • Starter plan - No offline draft experience

      • Professional - Ability to create 2 drafts while offline

      • Business plus - Unlimited ability to create and update drafts

  • Multiple Inventory Lines on Mobile

    • Users will now be able to see multiple inventory lines on mobile if the web setting is turned on.

    • Users will now be able to see an inventory lines location when adding to a Work Order.

  • Auto Cache Work Orders

    • Work Orders will automatically be available while offline based on the following criteria:

      • Assigned to the User or User’s team and

      • Work Orders with Non-Operational Assets or

      • Due within the working week of the user

        • Monday - Sunday

        • Includes past due WOs within working week

  • Updated “Learn More” Sheet while offline

    • Users attempting an action offline that they are unable to do will now see a sheet appear as a reminder.

    • This sheet now breaks down functionality between plans.

  • Removed bookmarking Offline experience for new starter customers after April 13th

    • New customers after April 13th will still be able to bookmark, however, bookmarking will not allow work orders to be available while offline.

Android 4.52 Features

  • Quick Filter Assets with Non-Operational Asset first

    • When users are on the Asset list they can now quickly filter to see only Assets that are non-operational

Android 4.52 Defect Resolutions

  • Users can now upload images in landscape mode

iOS 4.46 Defect Resolutions

  • Asset List Shortcut on Home Screen now has the search bar and filters

  • Category now copies over when users duplicate an Asset

Web Release Notes


  • DataHub: Models

    • DataHub Models will allow users to select specific data from Sources, combine data from different Sources, and transform Source data. The output of a Model is what will be ultimately sent on to a Destination.

  • Parts with Multiple Inventory Lines

    • Inventory and maintenance teams can now manage unlimited individual locations of inventory for a single part record. Part details are managed in one place with location specific inventory lines tracked and managed below.

  • PMs: Based on Completion Creation Cadence

    • The creation cadence for Based on Completion Preventive Maintenance now allows users to specify how far in advance of the next due date to create a work order.

    • This aligns with the current functionality for regularly repeating PMs.

  • WO Email Notification Control

    • Users now have the ability to configure which Work Order related email notifications they wish to receive or disable.

  • Requests UI update

    • Enhancements have been made to the look and feel of the requests module.

    • Functionality remains more or less unchanged.

  • Saved Views (Parts and Requests)

    • Users now have the ability to save a set of filters on a list and return to that set of filters later.

    • Users now have the ability to share a view with other users within an account.

  • Improved Analytics Sync

    • There is now reduced sync time between core UpKeep app and Analytics (~ 1 hour).

    • This includes a faster dashboard and report loading.

  • Custom Roles V1.5

    • Custom Roles bridges the gap between full admin permissions and standard technician permissions. Users will now have access to granular settings in order to create, edit, and view.

    • The new permission controls apply to:

      • Preventive Maintenance (view only)

      • Locations

      • Assets

      • Imports

      • Work Order Edits

      • Work Order Assignment

      • Meters

  • PM Business Logic Updates

    • Future open work orders will no longer be deleted when making a schedule change to the PM.

    • Once the PM has triggered the work order, no schedule changes to the PM level will affect that work order.

  • Immutable Part Costs on Work Orders*

    • Work orders that have parts applied to them will not change the cost when the part record cost is updated.

    • *Does not apply to purchase orders yet.

  • Disable Part Available Quantity Edit

    • Users will no longer be able to directly edit the quantity of their inventory, the system will require an adjustment ( + or - ) in order to alter the current quantity.

  • Asset Deletion Update

    • Deleting assets will no longer delete the PM's they are associated with.

March 24, 2023

Web Release Notes


  • PO Prefix Numbers Update

    • The PO prefix setting can now contain alphanumeric values.

  • API Update

    • Asset and location information associated with a PM Trigger are now included in all API responses.

Defect Resolutions

  • Users will now only see a low stock status when the available qty is below the minimum qty

  • Users will no longer generate new WO's when making non schedule changes to Multi Asset PM's

  • Users will no longer delete PM's that are associated to an asset when they delete the asset

  • The asset list can be filtered by Team

  • The asset list can be filter by "Created by me"

  • The menu badges for Parts, Requests, and POs are fixed

  • Users can now import PMs that are based on completion

March 10, 2023

Android 4.51 Release Notes

Defect Resolutions

  • Users can now set the due date when approving requests

  • Crash free experience when starting a free trial

    • Data will now be saved when users login in the future

  • Stopping Multiple Timer Bug

    • Users will no longer receive an error when trying to stop multiple timers

Web Release Notes


  • Users can now set personal language preferences on their Profile page, which will supersede organizational defaults.

  • Users will now be able to batch export up to 1k WOs.

    • Please note that once you select a list of work orders, you do need to scroll to ensure that all work orders are selected as the page loads.

  • API Update

    • Images and comments for task / checklist items in work orders are now available via the API.

  • DataHub Update

    • Meter triggers now do not generate extra work orders if the original meter trigger generated work order is still open.

Defect Resolutions

  • Custom asset fields are now properly displaying and updating via import

  • IDs are now properly being set to a random unique 10 digit alpha numeric value on import of parts, assets, and locations

  • Custom roles now properly save when choosing limited (partial) permissions

  • Signatures on work orders are being properly handled by new permissions on the backend

  • The DataHub nav item now remains highlighted after selection

February 24, 2023

Mobile BE Release Notes


  • Push Notification for an automated workflow from a Request to a Work Order

    • When a request is created with an automated workflow to automatically approve a request to a work order, the user assigned to the request will now receive a push notification that they are assigned to the WO

Defect Resolutions

  • Root Work Order will no longer cause an error

  • The blue notification alert now clears when “Mark all as read” is selected

Web Release Notes


  • Users will be able to apply alphanumeric values to their Purchase order prefix settings.

  • PM records will now have an archive safeguard to ensure users do not accidentally archive PM's.

  • Work Order exports now include Notes and Task items.

  • API:

    • Depreciation and More Information asset fields are now available via the API.

Defect Resolutions

  • Parts will no longer display an incorrect "Low Stock" status when the available quantity equals the minimum quantity.

  • PM edits that do not affect the schedule will no longer create new work orders outside of the normal cadence.

  • The Updates Email now displays the content of the message within the body of the email.

  • Downloading QR codes from the parts list now includes ALL parts.

  • Scrolling to the bottom of the vendor list in asset/part filters loads more vendors and does not crash the page.

  • Cadence Frequency, Cadence Interval, and Next Occurrence Is Based On Completion fields now validate properly during import.

  • Barcodes created using the UPC Number field will now show up in the UI. Users can also use the newer serial field to create barcodes as well.

February 10, 2023

Web Release Notes


  • DataHub is now accessible from within the UpKeep web app!

    • Users that have been activated will be able to access DataHub by clicking the “DataHub” icon on the side nav.

    • Users that have not yet been activated will be provided a link to the DataHub marketing page where they can learn more and sign up for a demo.

  • Importing now uses the unique record ID as the primary key and differentiator for Locations and Assets

  • For custom roles, existing Create and Edit permissions are now separated for more granular control

Defect Resolutions

  • PM Trigger importing now correctly recognizes commas in the names of checklists

  • The license limit will increase as expected when new seats are purchased

  • Adding more than 51 users to a team will result in the expected numerical count

  • Parts cost now accepts more than 2 decimal places

  • Part images appear in Gallery View as expected

  • Newly created users are able to view Analytics

  • Assigning an asset to a part does not remove that asset from previously assigned parts

January 27, 2023

iOS 4.44 and Android 4.49 Mobile Release Notes


  • Stopping Multiple Timers

    • If a user is currently running a timer on a work order and then attempts to start a second timer, they will be prompted if they want to continue the original timer or stop it before the second timer begins

    • This significantly improves data accuracy, reliability, and trust.

Web Release Notes


  • Parts now uses the ID as the unique identifier, allowing for importing and updating parts with duplicate names.

Defect Resolutions

  • Duplicate work order categories have now been removed

  • Uploading a File to a part will no longer reset the part's quantity to 0

  • Techs and Limited techs can now see purchase orders

  • Work order import now correctly recognizes commas in object names

  • Work order import now includes time and cost

  • Printing WOs now behaves as expected

  • Analytics: "Staging" explores have now been removed from the dashboard builder

  • Analytics: Professional plans will now have access to a full data history (no longer limited to 30 days)

  • Analytics: The parts link now directs to the new Parts page

January 13, 2023

iOS 4.41 and Android 4.46 Mobile Release Notes


  • Offline Mode: Updating Bookmarked Work Order Tasks while offline*

    • Users can now update all task types (pass/fail, drop downs, text fields, etc)

    • Task complete % update

    • Once back online, the task a user has updated will stay updated

    • Users can update the notes/comments within a given task

    • *Does not include Updating tasks with Photos while offline

Web Release Notes


  • User Deactivation and Reactivation

    • Admins can now deactivate and reactivate users

  • Parts UI Modernization

    • A complete redesign of the Parts list, create, and detail pages

    • Doesn't include any major changes in functionality

  • API Updates:

  • PM BOC Creation Cadence

    • PM's with a repeat type of "After Completion" can now have a creation cadence for the following triggered work orders, so they will not be left with open work orders for long periods of time.

  • PM Weekly Cadence Logic Update

    • PM's with a repeat type of "Regularly" and a schedule of weekly will now have the create work orders creation cadence respected, they will no longer be batch created.

  • Filter for Asset QR Code Labels

    • Customers will now have the ability to select specific asset QR codes to download and/or print.

Defect Resolutions

  • Users will no longer receive an error when attempting to edit a paused PM with a weekly schedule cadence.

  • Newly created PM's can delete the first occurrence without error.

  • Users can now filter by assets on the work order list view.

  • The automated workflow with the conditions, If request if Created, then Approve Request, is now working as expected.

  • Analytics:

    • The availability % now correctly reports the percent of time an asset was available or unavailable in a certain time range

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