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Q4 2022 - Product Releases

Notes on New Features, Improvements and Defect Resolutions

Nate Parsons avatar
Written by Nate Parsons
Updated over a week ago

December 22, 2022

iOS 4.42 and Android 4.47 Mobile Release

iOS Features

  • Home Scan Enhancements: Last Completed WO

    • Users can now Scan an Asset, see past work orders that were completed on the asset.

    • This allows users to have full historical context of work on an Asset at any time from home scan.

  • Asset List Shortcut on Home Screen

    • The Asset list was previously hidden behind the more button.

    • Users can now quickly get to their assets from the home screen. It is located at the top right of the home screen next to notifications.

  • Text Color Update on Tasks from gray to black

    • This improves user accessibility and the overall mobile experience.

iOS Defect Resolutions

  • View only users no longer have the ability to create Assets

  • The parts description now displays completely

Android Features

  • Home Scan Enhancements: Last Completed WO

    • Users can now Scan an Asset, see past work orders that were completed on the asset.

    • This allows users to have full historical context of work on an Asset at any time from home scan.

  • Asset List Shortcut on Home Screen

    • The Asset list was previously hidden behind the more button.

    • Users can now quickly get to their assets from the home screen. It is located at the top right of the home screen next to notifications.

  • Case Sensitivity has been removed from Username Login

    • This creates a smoother login process for our mobile users.

Android Defect Resolutions

  • Setting the app to Spanish language will now allow users to enter and save tasks data

  • Work Order landscape image is now showing correctly

  • There is no longer an error message from the work order list

  • There is no longer a “Missing information or “Something went wrong” error when clicking save after adding more tasks to existing checklists

  • You can now rename a file from the Assets Menu

  • Users rotating their phones will no longer be able to remove in progress data entry

  • When opening a work order from the notification hub, it will now direct users to the work order itself

  • Users can now add a file to a work order that previously did not have a file already added

Web Release Notes


  • API Update:

    • Files are now included in the API response from the GET /work-orders endpoint.

  • Analytics Update:

    • A new dimension on Purchase Order Explore, "Pending Quantity," tells users how many of each part have not yet been fulfilled.

Defect Resolutions

  • The company profile page now accurately displays the phone number field

  • Users will no longer have an issue with the start date of PM's resetting after changing non schedule related details

December 16, 2022

Web Release Notes

Defect Resolutions

  • When building an automated workflow based on a workflow trigger, the "Asset is..." condition saves the selected asset

  • An automated workflow that automatically approves a request, will trigger a new workflow based on the "Request approved" trigger

  • Purchase Order pages are no longer accessible by any account

  • API: Legacy recurring work orders and requests are no longer included in the GET /work-orders response for the 2021-11-23 API version.

December 9, 2022

Web Release Notes


  • New Meter Imports with Dromo is now live!

  • API Update:

Defect Resolutions

  • Download and Generate QR codes on Asset list no longer errors

  • Clicking the UpKeep logo redirects back to Work Orders list

  • Cooking banner now appears on the company request portal

December 2, 2022

Web Release Notes


  • Analytics Update:

    • Added new fields to Parts in PO count drill down - PO number, Vendor, Status

    • Added more links from Analytics back into UpKeep

      • Part name links to Part details page

      • Asset names link to Asset details page

      • Location names link to Location details page

      • PO numbers link to PO details page

Defect Resolutions

  • Re-opening and completing a WO from a Based on Completion PM will no longer create a duplicate open WO for that PM

  • Changing an asset's status via automated workflow will trigger a new downtime event

  • The PO Aggregate Cost measure will calculate a correct total

  • The additional worker field is now updated to the proper spelling

November 18, 2022

Web Release Notes


  • Multi Asset PM records can now allow up to 150 assets.

  • The checklist page has been updated to include pagination which should greatly improve load times for users with many checklists.

  • Analytics Update:

    • Additional fields have been added to the Part Count drill downs (Vendor, Location, Area, Cost, Quantity on hand, Minimum Quantity)

Defect Resolutions

  • Users will no longer see a blank screen when viewing work orders from a specific location record.

  • Users will now always have signatures enforced when a work order is created via request.

  • Any based on completion PM when created via import or directly on the application will immediately trigger the first instance work order regardless of selecting the “Create First WO Now” flag.

  • Google SSO is now working as expected.

November 11, 2022

Web Release Notes


  • PM's that have passed their end date will display "Ended" in the list view, and show a banner on the detail view.

  • PM list view column selections & sizing will persist permanently now.

  • Dromo and new import/export is now live for Meters.

  • Analytics Update:

    • A new filter has been added to the PM Explore: "PM Trigger Is Archived (Yes/No)

    • The field name for Asset "Active Status" has been changed to be Asset "Archived Status"

Defect Resolutions

  • Users can now set their asset statuses from automated workflows for task updates

  • Users can now have their asset statuses set combined with automated approvals of requests

  • Duplicate assets will no longer appear in certain Asset Explores

  • Deleted PMs will no longer show up in Analytics

  • Limited Technicians with location based permissions can now properly view sub-locations in dropdown selects when creating/editing work orders

  • Bulk updating assets now works as intended and will update entities when custom fields are included

November 4, 2022

Web Release Notes


  • Users can now pause their entire Multi Asset PM. This will in turn affect all assets.

  • Users can now select Vendors or Customers in the additional assignee fields per asset on a Multi Asset PM.

Defect Resolutions

  • A user’s work order search and filter(s) will now persist through page refreshes.

  • Users can now edit their PM's to select the option of "Create First WO Now" if the option was not selected at time of creation.

    • Note: Only applicable to Repeat type: Regularly. Not for After Completion.

  • Removing a search term on the Assets list fully clears that search term from the returned results.

October 28, 2022

iOS 4.40 Mobile Release


  • Ability to disable Repeating Schedule Option when creating a Work Order

    • As default it will remain on.

    • If an account wants this turned off, please reach out to customer support.

  • Moved Work Order Details 'Duplicate' button below 'Export' in menu

    • Now users will not be disrupted by mistakenly tapping duplicate when the intent was to edit

  • Ability to add a checklist to a WO with > 50 checklist in an account

Defect Resolutions

  • Users will be redirected to the homepage of the native app as expected

  • When users copy an asset, all the fields will be copied over

Web Release Notes


  • One month creation cadence will no longer be based on a four week period. Work orders will be created on the same calendar day, one month prior

Defect Resolutions

  • Only assets associated with a pre-selected location can be selected in the request form

  • Users can now change their weekly PM schedule days and have those changes save

October 21, 2022

Android 4.45 Mobile Release


  • Ability to disable Repeating Schedule Option when creating a Work Order

    • As default it will remain on.

    • If an account wants this turned off, please reach out to customer support.

  • Moved Work Order Details 'Duplicate' button below 'Export' in menu

    • Now users will not be disrupted by mistakenly tapping duplicate when the intent was to edit

Defect Resolutions

  • Files & Forms can now be marked as hidden with work order configuration

    • Work Order details' form section will be hidden when no tasks are assigned to the work order

    • Work Order details' files section is hidden when no files are assigned to the work order

  • When admins enable auto-assign requests, the approver is now assigned the work order

  • When users copy an asset, all the fields will be copied over

Web Release Notes


  • Location Based Permissions will now filter down Location dropdown picklists

  • Analytics Update:

    • New measures have been added for aggregate and average cycle times in hours to Work Orders Explore

    • A dimension "Work Order is Recurring" has been added to Parts Explore. This tells users if the work order that a part is attached to is recurring or reactive.

Defect Resolutions

  • Limited admin users will now have full edit parts permissions

  • Users will now be able to use the PM filters reset button to clear all filters & searches

  • Users will no longer get a "Work Orders Due This Week" email if they have all WO notifications setting off

  • Users can now have an automated workflow to set custom asset status categories

October 14, 2022

Web Release Notes


  • API Update:

    • Users can now reset the baseline value for meter triggers via the API. This will allow users to accommodate lag time between when a meter trigger fires and when a work order is actually completed.

    • Users can now create, read, update, and delete PM triggers via the API.

  • Analytics Update:

    • Asset Description added as a dimension to the Work Order Explore

    • Updated drill down fields for Requests Count (Title, Current Status, Priority, Due Date, Asset, Location, Work Order Category, Description)

Defect Resolutions

  • Users will no longer receive an error “schedule start date cannot be in the past” when attempting to edit a PM record after its scheduled start time & date

  • Company field name now displays in the work order PDF even when updates are made

  • Daily summaries are now generating as expected

  • Bulk update PM Triggers Improvements:

    • ID has been brought back as the main identifier of the PM Trigger

    • If there is an ID given (and therefore is an update and not a new record) we will no longer require the start date to be in the future

October 7, 2022

Web Release Notes

Defect Resolutions

  • Asset activity modal opens even if contributing user has been deleted

  • Work orders will no longer create duplicates or delete data when the browser refreshes while in the create or edit work order flow

  • PMs in active or paused state can be updated via csv

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