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Q3 2022 - Product Releases

Notes on New Features, Improvements and Defect Resolutions

Nate Parsons avatar
Written by Nate Parsons
Updated over a week ago

October 7, 2022

iOS and Android Mobile Release Notes


Android 4.45

  • Home Scan Enhancements (Must be on 4.43 or higher)

    • Users will now be able to Scan from the Home Screen an Asset and will be able to:

      • Create an Asset if it was not already added to UpKeep

      • Scan a Parent asset to View a Child Asset

      • Scan to view and access WOs and requests of the Asset

      • See the number of WOs and request of the Asset

  • Offline Mode: Updating Status (Must be on 4.43 or higher)

    • Users will now be able to update the status of manually bookmarked Work Orders while offline

iOS 4.39

  • Home Scan Enhancements (Must be on 4.39 or higher)

    • Users will now be able to Scan from the Home Screen an Asset and will be able to:

      • Create an Asset if it was not already added to UpKeep

      • Scan a Parent asset to View a Child Asset

      • Scan to view and access WOs and requests of the Asset

      • See the number of WOs and request of the Asset

  • Offline Mode: Updating Status (Must be on 4.39 or higher)

    • Users will now be able to update the status of manually bookmarked Work Orders while offline

Web Release Notes


  • Asset Status Automated Workflow

    • Users can now create automated workflows to alter the asset operational status from requests or work orders:

      • IF a work order is created AND work order category equals "Damage" THEN set asset status to "Non-Operational"

    • Users will no longer have to navigate between work orders and asset records in order to start a downtime operational status.

  • Pausing PMs

    • PM's can now be paused to account for seasonal use and long downtime periods so work orders will not continue to trigger and pile up.

    • No more administrative burden of having to delete extra work orders, or archive/delete PM's and having to deal with creating new ones.

  • Variable PM Scheduling / Meter Triggered PM's

    • Users can now schedule a PM by both time schedule and meter readings allowing for a time based, meter based, or a combination of the two PM's. (Example: Oil change PM will occur every 6 months, or 6,000 miles. )

    • Users no longer have to manage PM's that are just time based while also having to manage meter triggered work orders which potentially will create duplicate WO's in a similar time period.

    • PM's will re-baseline depending on which trigger occurs first (time or meter).

  • Library of Checklists

    • Allow users the ability to pull standardized checklists lists from a centralized library covering inspections, cleaning, and more.

    • Users will be able to filter and view those checklists in a new tab in checklists, and edit and save them to then use on their WO and PM Triggers.

  • Location Based Permissions

    • Allow users of the same company with multiple physical location(s) to all log into one UpKeep instance with a single user email address and a single set of company settings, and view/access only the parts, assets, work orders, and meters relevant to their physical work location(s). Depending on the user, this may be one location, multiple locations, or all locations.

September 30, 2022

iOS and Android Mobile Release Notes


  • Notification Hub Improvements

    • Push Notifications will now work for Work Order updates

    • Notification hub will now be more reliable in communicating updates

    • Users will receive the title and body of the message in the push notification if the users has enabled it on their device

  • Trimmed whitespace in scanned barcodes

    • Printing Machines will no longer add whitespace to the printed QR code which will improve the effectiveness of scanning results

Web Release Notes


  • Users assigned to work orders that have been created from PM's will now receive emails. This is given the user has enabled their profile notification settings to receive emails for work orders.

  • Analytics Update:

    • The logic of Inventory Status has been updated so that a part only counts as "Running Low" when it is below the minimum quantity.

Defect Resolutions

  • Imported work orders will no longer display pre-filled tasks

  • Parts that are out of stock now display in the daily summary email as expected

  • End dates can be set or removed before the actual date for PMs

September 23, 2022

Web Release Notes


  • Asset Audit Trails is back on!

    • As of 9/21 changes to assets are being saved in the Audit Trail for all accounts

  • Users without custom fields can now save column order and visibility on the Asset list

  • The label "Serial Number" has now been updated to "Barcode" in the WO PDF to keep naming conventions consistent with field names

Defect Resolutions

  • On People and Teams, users will now be able to properly sort by Last Visit

  • Users will now be able to modify their creation cadence of a regularly scheduled PM and have those settings persist

  • Work order search should no longer error out

  • When bulk updating assets, changes made to the description will no longer give an error

  • Importing useful life on assets now correctly validates input on the frontend

September 16, 2022

Web Release Notes


  • Asset Depreciation logic will now allow a true 0$ residual value

  • Work Order form sections will now be defined with heading labels for Parts, Costs & Files

  • Improvements have been made to upgrade the user modal flow

  • Analytics Update:

    • Users can now "Clear cache and refresh" on their dashboards

      • This updates the dashboard with the latest batch of data that has been synced with Analytics. It does NOT initiate a new sync between the core UpKeep app and Analytics. There will still be a ~3 hour delay between when data is populated in the core app and when that data appears in Analytics. This feature can help if customers are seeing >3 hours since the dashboard has been refreshed.

    • Count of Users no longer double counts the same user

    • Added more fields when drilling into the Work Order Aggregate Cycle measure

    • Show total duration when drilling into Total Time Spent measure on the Itemized Time Report

    • Users on a professional plan see correct data in the Itemized User Time Report

Defect Resolutions

  • Users exporting assets to CSV will now see all selected assets

  • Exported CSVs from the asset page will abide by the specified filtered view

  • Users will now be able to see the full menu option when clicking on the ellipses

  • Users with large quantities of vendors can now find all of them when adding to a Purchase Order

  • Current subscription information now properly loads in view your plan

  • Previous customers now returning will no longer experience issues making a subscription purchase

  • Exporting and reimporting assets along with modifying descriptions will now be working consistently without error

September 09, 2022

iOS and Android Mobile Release Notes

Defect Resolutions

iOS 4.39

  • Requestors will no longer be assigned to a WO when a user creates an automated workflow to auto approve a request

  • “Submit feedback form” has now been removed from the My Impact Screen

  • Continued improvements have been made to Notifications Hub erroring out with certain notifications

Android 4.44

  • The parts edit page will now open when a user clicks the edit menu

  • The create asset page will now close when a user selects the save button

  • Image selection is now working as expected on the add/edit page

  • Crashes from the part’s work orders page have now been addressed and should no longer affect users

September 02, 2022

Web Release Notes


  • Increased file size on Assets and Work orders

    • Users can now add files with a max limit of 50MB.

  • Analytics Update

    • Formatting on the Purchase Order Number dimension has now been updated to remove commas (eg. 1,000 now reads as 1000).

Defect Resolutions

  • Users partially fulfilling purchase orders will be able to see a fractional display of the amount fulfilled

  • Users will no longer see a notification pop-up for a paused PM, on the Creation cadence tab of the PM details

  • Users will no longer see the added characters "&nbsp" in the work orders quick filter button pop-over. They will only be visible if there are no quick filters created.

  • Users can no longer reset the parts attached to a PM when adding a new part

  • Importing with specific timezones on PM triggers will now correctly adjust, display, and trigger with local timezone. Exporting PM triggers will also have proper behavior for timezones.

  • When importing PM triggers configured to create first work order right away, those work orders will correctly be generated correctly

August 26, 2022

Web Release Notes


  • Asset Audit Trail Beta is back!

    • Users can use Analytics to view an audit history of creation, changes, and deletions made to assets. Including checkins and checkouts, downtime, custom fields, and file changes.

  • Adding parts to a work order just got easier!

    • We have updated the modal to include more intuitive search and display consistent with newer styling.

  • Work Orders Update

    • Customers can now have the recurring schedule field hidden from their work orders in Web. Reach out to Customer Service to have this configured for your account.

  • Analytics Update

    • Manually recorded downtime is now supported for reporting. All downtime recorded manually will contribute to data shown in Analytics.

      • This includes historically recorded manual downtime

      • No need to enable anything or update dashboards, existing dashboards will include manual downtime

      • Manual downtimes will not look any different than status based downtimes

    • Supplier name is now available as a field when Exploring Parts and Inventory

Defect Resolutions

  • Users will now see the specific day a monthly PM schedule cadence is set for in the PM details

  • Work order sorting has now been updated on the assets page

  • Purchase order details are now displayed as expected

  • Asset importing with hierarchy now properly creates records and relationships

August 19, 2022

iOS 4.38 and Android 4.43 Mobile Release Notes

Defect Resolutions

  • Users can now upload files to assets with no interruptions

  • Bookmarks are now appearing in offline mode again

  • From the work orders list page, users can now see assignees for work orders again

  • Required fields on requests are now needed to be filled out to be able to submit the request

Web Release Notes


  • API Update

    • Adding a break out of work order time by category and user.

  • Delete Labor Time Logic Update

    • Deleting a labor time will now remove that time from the specific point when the time was added.

  • Filter Work Orders by Asset

    • Users can now filter and select multiple assets quickly and easily. They can also select an entire hierarchy of assets to apply the filter to the work orders list view.

Defect Resolutions

  • In Analytics, Total Time Spent on Work Orders has been addressed to include all time logged

  • Users can once again import PM Triggers with default settings

  • Users are now be able to fix errors in the import interface and have errors reflect correctly

  • Users are now able to download failed rows when importing

  • Users will now only see one "Recurring Schedule" label in work orders

August 12, 2022

Web Release Notes


  • UpKeep now prevents users from entering downtime when a downtime event has already been logged during the same time window, preventing downtime from being double counted.

  • Analytics Update:

    • There is a new dimension for PO line items count in the Purchase Orders Explore.

Defect Resolutions

  • The downtime modal on the assets page will now open when the asset is in a "Not Operational" status

  • PDF attachments are now visible and no longer route through

  • Analytics: Drilling down into a PO count returns a list of Purchase Orders with the Title, PO Number, and Created date

  • Purchase Order descriptions are now wrapped correctly and will display a uniform format

  • The tax info in a purchase order will remain consistent on emails, request portals, and generated pdfs

August 4, 2022

Web Release Notes


  • PM Parts - 0 qty

    • Admin users can now create or update PM trigger templates to contain parts records with 0 quantity requirement. This will help structure the templates of PM's with potential parts needed, without impacting inventory quantities allowing more flexibility for maintenance.

Defect Resolutions

  • Users will have the ability to view the entire asset hierarchy structure when associated to a work order, or setting as a parent asset

  • Deleted assets will no longer be included in QR label exports

  • After deleting an asset from the list, the checkbox is cleared

  • When filtering by multiple locations on the asset list, the filter chip displays "First Location name + number of other Locations in the filter"

    • eg "Location ABC + 4 more"

  • Users can save changes to an asset after removing a selection from a custom dropdown field

  • Users can now see all their vendors and customers when creating a Purchase Order

July 28, 2022

iOS 4.38 and Android 4.42 Mobile Release Notes

Defect Resolutions

  • Users can now resume uploading files to assets

  • Required fields must be filled out in order for requests to be processed and sent

  • Offline users should now see all their bookmarked work orders

Web Release Notes


  • Analytics:

    • Updated Itemized Time Report

      • Time recorded on work orders are now reflected in Analytics

      • Work order numbers will no longer appear null

    • New dimensions in Parts Inventory, Inventory Status and Work Order Assigned To Full Name

      • Inventory status returns:

        • "In stock" if a part has a quantity greater than the minimum quantity

        • "Running low" if a part has a quantity less than or equal to the minimum quantity

        • "Out of stock" if a part has a quantity less than or equal to the minimum quantity

        • "Non stock" if the part is non-stock

      • Work Order Assigned To Full Name returns the full name of a work order assigned if the part is assigned to a work order

Defect Resolutions

  • Upon adding a location to a work order, only assets with the respective location will display in the list

  • Users can now create and update multiple work orders with the same name via import

  • Users will no longer be able to delete the same entry multiple times

  • The “Export Filtered View” option on the Assets list page will now include custom fields

July 21, 2022

Android 4.42.0 Mobile Release


  • The Mexican Peso is now able to be added on Work Orders:

    • Parts

    • Parts Selection modal

    • Labor time log

    • Additional Costs

      • PDF details

      • Invoice details

    • Purchase orders -

      • Parts cost

      • totals values

    • Assets Details

      • Depreciation - Purchase price

      • Depreciation - Residual Value

    • Assets custom fields - Currency type

    • Parts/Inventory

      • details cost

Defect Resolutions

  • Push Notifications for Work Orders will now have the Work Order title instead of the Work Order number

  • Technician users can now see who submitted a WO request on both Android and iOS

  • Removed whitespace from barcode printing

Web Release Notes


  • Multi-level asset hierarchy in Work Orders

    • Users can now see and search through the parent child relationships of assets when associating to a work order.

Defect Resolutions

  • Users are now able to export locations on locations page

  • Deletions of floors plans will no longer delete the location

  • Users can now view any purchase order regardless of whether filters have been applied

  • Users can now see any work order even after switching sites

July 14, 2022

iOS 4.37.1 Mobile Release


  • Homescreen 2.0 is live!

    • We received a lot of feedback from users about siloed information, miscommunication, and disrupted workflows. We have listened and acted on the feedback. Technicians will finally have a one stop shop “digital whiteboard” to easily find out what they need to work on for the day, quickly access common screens for the daily workflow, and visibility to data to understand their progress, value, and overall impact to their organization.

Web Release


  • Edge Updates:

    • Connected meters now update after saving without a page refresh

    • The asset link on the Runtime page will now live on the new asset page

Defect Resolutions

  • The sensor status will no longer incorrectly display “Disconnected” when an alert is triggered

  • Date ranges on the sensor detail graphs will now automatically update

July 7, 2022

Mobile Release

Defect Resolutions

  • All accounts can fetch users’ bookmarked work orders when they are offline and when they are back online

  • Checklists and tasks are now appearing on all iOS devices

Web Release


  • Search for work orders by description field

    • Work order list view search bar will now include the description field of a work order to more easily locate work orders

  • Surface assigned team on PM list view

    • Preventive maintenance list view will display the assigned team if no other assignees are designated

  • Edge Updates

    • Users can now sync individual sensor properties with meters. We no longer require all sensor properties to be synced

    • Approved users can now transmit sensor readings as often as once per minute

  • Growth Updates

    • We will now be allowing accounts to self serve into Professional and Business Plus plans with any amount of users

Defect Resolutions

  • Users can now search for an assigned worker on an asset and see the associated name upon first search

  • Users can now view the quantity and cost of a purchase order request from the request portal link

  • Free trial admin users will now be able to see the Request Portal link as active and working

  • Start and ends dates from Multi-Asset PMs are now behaving properly

  • The search and selection modal is back on for work orders and PM triggers

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