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How to Import/Update Vendors and Customers

Learn to quickly bulk-import vendors and vendor information into UpKeep!

Ben On avatar
Written by Ben On
Updated over a year ago

Available On: Starter, Professional and Business Plus

Vendors and Customers in UpKeep can be used for tracking 3rd party information or for adding this 3rd party information to import documents such as Work Orders or Purchase Orders.

How to Import/Update

  • Within the Vendors and Customers Section select the Option Dots on the right of the screen

Fields For Importing Vendors

Column Header

Example Entry

Acceptable Value/Format/Notes

A - Vendor ID


The UpKeep ID of the Vendor

  • NOTE: Only used if updating an existing Vendor

B - Vendor Type


What type of service does this Vendor Provide

C - Business Name

My Vendor Company

The Name of the Vendor/Vendors Business

D - Phone Number


The Phone Number of the Vendor

E - Point of Contact

Lara Croft

The Name of the person that you work with at their organization

F - Website

The website of their business

G - Email

The Email of the Vendor


  • This is for internal tracking and is not an actual UpKeep login

H - Business Address

1 UpKeep Way

Where the Business is located

I - Business Description


Text field for any details/descriptions needed

Fields for Importing Customers

Column Header

Example Entry

Acceptable Value/Format/Notes

A - Customer ID


The UpKeep ID of the Customer

  • NOTE: Only used if updating an existing Customer

B - Customer Name

Luke Skywalker

The Name of the Customer

C - Phone Number


The Phone Number of the Customer

D - Customer Address

1 UpKeep Way

The Address of the Customer

E - Website

The website of the customer

F - Billing Name

Tony Stark

The bill to contact for your Customer

G - Billing Address Line 1

1 UpKeep Way

The Address that you are billing the customer

H - Billing Address Line 2

Suite 123

The Address that you are billing the customer

I - Billing Address Line 3

Los Angeles, CA 12345

The Address that you are billing the customer

J - Customer type


What type of customer this is

K - Customer Description

They have 2 Assets

Text fields of any notes for the customer

L - Email

The Email Address of the Customer


  • This is for your internal notes, it is not an UpKeep login

M - Currency Name

US Dollars

Any Notes on the Currency that you bill for the Customer

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