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How to Import/Update Locations
How to Import/Update Locations

Learn to import new data and update existing location data using UpKeep's import tool

Updated over 4 months ago

Available On: Starter, Professional and Business Plus

Easily import your location data into UpKeep with our importing tool, supporting various formats including .csv, .tsv, .txt, .xls, .xlsx, and .xml. πŸ“Š If you manage multiple locations and have your data in spreadsheets, use our importing tool to effortlessly map your data into UpKeep. πŸš€

UpKeep's Location hierarchy consists of two levels, including Parent Location and Sub-locations. To learn more about location structure, check out our article on building location structure here.

Sub-locations represent areas, zones, floors, or regions within your Primary location that you may want to track and generate reports on. You can have as many sub-locations as required.

Learn Better via Video? No worries, click the button below to view our how-to video.

Please Note** File size is limited to 10MB and names MUST be unique.

How to Structure Your File Data

  • Importing now matches based off the ID COLUMN of your import. If there is no matching ID, a New Location is created. If the ID Matches, then the location will be updated with data on the spreadsheet.

  • You can use CSV, XLS, XLSX, TSV or XML Format

    • You can also manually enter items to the table manually under import

  • You can import Parent Location and Sub-location at the same time, but the Parent Location needs to be higher/listed before the sub-location on the sheet.

    • To be sure the import works correctly, we recommend importing the parent locations first and then importing the sub-locations on a separate file.

  • Custom data fields cannot be imported for locations at this time.

    • UpKeep's API supports importing custom data and requires a Business Plus subscription.

  • Entries in import sheets are case-sensitive. Please ensure that the capitalization, spacing, and punctuation match exactly for accurate data import.


Parent Location

Parent Location

Sub Location

Parent Location

Please Note** File size is limited to 10MB and names MUST be unique.


NEW DATA: If you do not have a file template available, navigate to this link and click the "Download Template" Option. This will provide you an example of how to enter your location data as you prepare the file.

UPDATING EXISTING DATA: Export your current location list to update by click this link. On this page, click "Export Current Locations". We recommend exporting a current list of whatever data object you are looking to update and save a copy.

  • Next edit the data you wish to update and follow the same steps below to import your changes.

How to Import Location Data into UpKeep


  1. When your file is ready to import, navigate to the Import/Export Tab on the left side of your screen.

  2. Under Data set, click on the dropdown menu and select "Locations"

  3. Click Start Location Import Process.

    1. Notice now that Location ID is the first column instead of name. Please be aware it is possible to have duplicate named records, so we highly suggest each location has a unique name.

  4. Click "Choose a file" and locate the correct file you wish to upload.

  5. Click "Confirm selection and continue" if the data shows the Location ID and Name Columns correctly.

  6. Next, view all the columns and ignore any that do not contain data you wish to import/update.

    1. NOTE: If you see the symbol under the "Matched to" Column and you have data to import for that column, make sure you hit the dropdown arrow next to the symbol and select the correct Column Header and match it. You'll see a green check appear when you have changed it.

  7. Scroll down and click "Confirm matching and continue"

  8. Review and Edit

    1. Errors: Any data that is not validated to fit the parameters within a column will generate an error at the top. If you click the "Show rows with errors" it will highlight those errors. You can also export rows with errors if you prefer.

    2. Bulk Update: Click Find and Replace

  9. Make changes/corrections and click Finish

  10. A pop-up will appear asking if you are sure you want to submit. Click "Yes" to proceed with the import.

  11. If the import was successful, you will see a green pop-up appear.

    1. If there were issues, it will show a red pop-up saying "not everything worked as expected." You can download the rows that had issues by selected "Download rows with error". Make changes to that data and re-import following the steps above.


Location ID is created once the piece of data is imported/created in UpKeep. This ID allows Upkeep to uniquely identify that piece of data in the system and cannot be created or changed by your team.

Column Header

Example Entry

Acceptable Values/Format/Notes

Location ID


Used for updating your location. Leave Blank if adding new locations.

A – Name

Carlsbad Building

The name of your building/location

B – Address

2505 Palomar Airport Rd, Carlsbad, CA 92011

The full address for this location

C – Latitude


Map coordinates

D – Longitude


Map coordinates

E – Parent Location

Main Factory

The Name of the Parent Location

  • Parent needs to exist in UpKeep or be higher on the import sheet then the child

F – Assigned to email

Email assignee is using for UpKeep

G – Team Assigned Name

Night Shift

Name in UpKeep of the desired Team

H – Customer Assigned Name

New Customer

Name in UpKeep of the desired Customer

I – Vendor Assigned Name

HVAC Vendor

Name in UpKeep of the desired Vendor

FAQs about Importing/Updating Locations

Imported my data, but some of the data did not import, and the error message did provide full context on the issue. What did I do wrong?

From experience, we have found that often we can create extra whitespace or spaces on your file import. We recommend removing any extra white space on the Excel/Google Sheet files.

  • Note: if you are updating existing data, make sure that the object in UpKeep also do not have an extra space after the text. IT HAPPENS more than you think :)

Does my data have to match exactly to what exist in UpKeep to update via import?

Yes, UpKeep's import tool is case sensitive and each piece of data has to match exactly upon importing. Data validation is key to make sure you are updating the correct object in UpKeep.

  • Example: Name in UpKeep is "WareHouse 1" and your file has the name as "Warehouse 1". Those two pieces of data are unique, since that spelling of the "H" is capitalized in one and lowercase in the second. This system will create a new location called Warehouse 1 in this case.

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