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How to Import/Update Assets

Bulk import multiple assets at the same time using a CSV!

Ben On avatar
Written by Ben On
Updated over a week ago

This article explains how your team admin can import or update assets into UpKeep. You can add assets one at a time, but this will allow you to save a lot of time and import them all at once! You can even bulk update your assets as well.

We have Four levels on the Asset hierarchy. This includes our Parent Asset and our Child-Assets.

Child assets are components of the Parent asset where you may be completing work on or maintaining as well. Your assets may qualify as a child asset if your parent asset does not function without that asset.

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Please Note** File size is limited to 10MB and names MUST be unique.

Importing your Assets


  • Importing now matches based off the ID COLUMN of your import. If there is no matching ID, a New Asset is created. If the ID Matches, then the asset will be updated with data on the spreadsheet.

  • You can use CSV, XLS, XLSX, TSV or XML Format

    • You can also manually enter items to the table manually under import

  • You can import Parent Assets and Child Assets at the same time, but the Parent Asset needs to be higher/listed before child assets on the sheet.

  • Asset Custom Fields will need to exist in the UpKeep Account Prior to the import

  • Entries in import sheets are case-sensitive. Please ensure that the capitalization, spacing, and punctuation match exactly for accurate data import.


Parent Asset Name

Parent Asset

Child Asset

Parent Asset Name

Example of how spreadsheet looks:

Image 2-24-2023 at 2.50 PM

How the above Spreadsheet looks in Review stage of Import Process in Upkeep.

Image 2-24-2023 at 2.45 PM

Importing Guide

  1. To create new Assets Download the Assets template by navigating to the import page and clicking "Download Template"

  2. To Update Assets select Export Current Assets and makes changes to any columns EXCEPT the ID column. When done save the file for import.

  3. When ready select Start Asset Import Process. Notice now that Asset ID is the first column instead of name. Please be aware it is possible to have duplicate named records, so we highly suggest each asset has a unique name.

    Image 2-17-2023 at 4.47 PM

4. Confirm that the first column is Asset ID/headers, then click Yes.

Image 2-17-2023 at 4.51 PM

5. Next go through to evaluate and confirm column mapping.

Image 2-17-2023 at 4.52 PM

6. View the data you are going to import.

  • Changes can be made from the table

  • It will notify you of any issues with the import

Image 2-17-2023 at 4.53 PM

7. Select Finish when done.


  • If you are Changing the name of your Asset you can use the ID Column on your CSV

Column Header

Example Entry

Acceptable Values/Notes

Asset ID


Used for updating your Assets. Leave Blank if adding new Assets.

A - Name

Building 1 - HVAC 1

Enter a name/title for your Asset

B - Description

Any Relevant Asset Information

Enter a description for the asset

C - Model


Model information for your asset or the type of asset it is

D - Serial Number


The Serial Number of the Asset

E - Barcode


This is what is scanned on the mobile application

  • TIP: If left blank, you can later assign a “Random Barcode” within UpKeep.

  • NOTE: Excel may reformat your barcodes, which is not something UpKeep can control

F - Area

Zone 3, NE Corner

If you assign a location, you can specify an area within that location.

  • NOTE: This is not the location, which is Column G

G - Additional Information

Measurements/year of manufacturer

Enter any additional Asset details or information

H - Location Name

Main Factory

The Name in UpKeep of the Location

I - Parent Asset ID


The ID of the Parent Asset

  • Parent needs to exist in UpKeep or be higher on the import sheet then the child

  • ID can be found in the URL or via Asset Export

J - Worker Email

The UpKeep Email of the user assigned

K - Category


Categories will allow you to easily find a group of assets in the future and generate accurate reports

L - Manufacturer


The maker of the Asset

  • NOTE: Must be a Vendor that is in your UpKeep account

M - Purchase Date


Enter in the Asset’s purchase date

  • Format: mm/dd/yyyy

N - Service Date


Enter in the date the asset went into service/operation

  • Format: mm/dd/yyyy

O - Purchase Price


Enter in the Asset’s purchase price

P - Warranty Expiration Date


Enter in when the asset's warranty expires

  • Format: mm/dd/yyyy

Q - Residual Price


Enter in the asset's residual price

R - Useful Life

3 years

Enter the asset's useful life (in years) must be all lower case, no capitals

S - Team Name

Response Team

The UpKeep Team assigned to the Asset

  • To Assign Multiple Teams use a comma Team 1, Team 2

T - Customer Assigned Name


The Customer associated with the Asset

  • Must be a customer within the customers section

U - Vendor Assigned Name


The Vendor Associated to the Asset

  • Must be a vendor in your Vendors section

V - Parts Name

HVAC Filter

The UpKeep Name of the part assigned to the Asset

  • To Assign Multiple Teams use a comma Part 1, Part 2

W - Track Check Ins/Outs


Add the ability to have check in/check out for Asset

  • True or False

X - Check out Procedure

Fill out Form

What are the steps needed to check out this Asset?

Y - Check In Procedure

Alert the Manager

What are the steps needed to check in this Asset?

Note: Any Custom Fields will be available when downloading the template from your account. They can also be added and mapped in the import template.

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