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How to create Asset QR codes for ALL Assets
How to create Asset QR codes for ALL Assets

Learn how to generate QR codes for your assets, making scanning effortless with the UpKeep Mobile App.

Updated over a week ago

Available On: Lite, Starter, Professional and Business Plus

🚨 In UpKeep, we support UPC and QR codes for Assets and Parts. Easily check-in and scan out using your UpKeep's Mobile Scan Feature on your mobile device. . UpKeep auto-generates QR codes from the web app. Download and save them, or print labels (Avery 1” x 2 5/8”). Customers often laminate or label assets/parts. Partner discounts available with Camcode and My Asset Tag.

💡Already have a QR code that you’d like to use? You can still add the barcode number to the asset or part. While this QR code won’t look exactly the same, if you scan either QR code, it’ll pull up the same asset/part.

How to Create a Random QR Code

If your assets don't have any barcode numbers associated with it, UpKeep will randomly generate a barcode number for you and create a QR code using those barcode numbers.


  1. Navigate your Assets section

  2. Click on the 3 dots on the top right

  3. Select Download QR Codes

  4. Click on Download & Generate

How to Download QR Codes to Print As Labels (in Avery 1” x 2 5/8” format)

The exported PDF will print to 1” x 2 5/8” sized labels. This format prints on Avery Template Presta 94200 but is compatible with the following Avery template types:


  1. Go to the Assets Page

  2. Click on the 3 dots on the top right

  3. Select Download QR Codes

  4. Then click on Download Labels!

Additional Notes on Downloading Labels:

  • The following fields can be exported:

    • Location name

    • Barcode number

    • Asset name

  • Up to:

    • 30 QR codes can fit per page

    • 5,000 + QR codes can be exported at a time

  • If an asset does not have a barcode, then it simply will not display when exporting.

    • See the section above (How to Create a Random QR Code) on how to add random barcodes/QR codes to your assets so they can be downloaded onto a label

  • The labels do come with the UpKeep Logo, so if you are looking to have your own logo you would need to utilize a 3rd party printer.

Here is a screenshot of how it'll look once downloaded:

FAQs About QR Codes

Can you scan QR codes with your camera app on your mobile device?

No, you must use the scan feature in UpKeep's Mobile App.

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