Available On: Business Plus
On the Business Plus plan, you have the ability to create Custom Roles! All Custom Roles can do everything an Administrator can do in UpKeep, but you can customize some important permissions below. So if you're looking for a role different from the current Admin and Technician defaults set-up a custom role!
To navigate to the Custom Roles page, please do the following:
1) Upon logging into Upkeep, on the bottom left corner click Settings.
2) On the settings window, you can then select Roles on the far right.
3) Click the blue Create Role button to begin creating your custom role.
4) Give the role a name, description, and external ID. Please Note: External ID will be created when you name the new Custom Role. Only letters and underscores are allowed in the External ID.
Finally, select the permissions you want for this custom role. All Custom Roles have the same capabilities as Administrators but allow for specific customization of permissions. You can adjust what actions users can perform on various objects, including::
Create: Add new items in Categories, Locations, Meters, and People & Teams.
Edit: Modify existing Assets, Categories, Locations, Meters, and People & Teams. Limited editing options for Work Orders.
Work: Manage Work Orders and related tasks.
View: Access information on Assets, Categories, Files, Locations, Meters, Parts & Sets of Parts, People & Teams, Preventive Maintenance Triggers, Purchase Orders, Vendors & Customers, and Work Requests.
Delete: Remove Assets, Categories, Files, Locations, Meters, Parts & Sets of Parts, Preventive Maintenance Triggers, Purchase Orders, Vendors & Customers, People & Teams, and Work Orders.
Access: Settings configurations.
Import: Bring in data for Assets, Locations, Meters, People & Teams, Preventive Maintenance Triggers, Parts & Sets of Parts, Work Orders, Vendors, and Customers.
Export: Export data for Assets, Locations, Meters, Parts & Sets of Parts, Preventive Maintenance Triggers, Work Orders, Vendors, and Customers.
Approve/Decline: Manage Work Requests.
Assign Users: Allocate users to Work Orders.
Disable: Temporarily disable People.
Submit: Submit changes or requests.
Note: "Partial" permissions mean users can only see items assigned to or created by themselves.
So you will now be able to assign users with those permissions through your People & Teams section and when importing users.