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All CollectionsUpKeep Purchase Orders
How to Filter your Purchase Orders
How to Filter your Purchase Orders

Filter your purchase orders so you can export them onto a CSV spreadsheet and find what you are looking for!

Ben On avatar
Written by Ben On
Updated over a week ago

Available On: Business Plus

This guide will show you how to easily filter purchase orders by date, status, vendor, and more. Quickly locate specific orders, track spending, and manage your inventory seamlessly in UpKeep.

How to Filter your Purchase Orders

  1. Start in the Purchase Orders section

  2. On the top left, click on the Filter button

  3. Use the filters to show you the purchase orders you’re looking for:

  • Status

  • Category

  • Total Cost (Either or both Minimum and Maximum)

  • Date Created

  • Due Date

  • Created By User

  • Vendor

Once your purchase orders are filtered, click Export to download them onto a CSV file!

How to Customize your Filtered View of Purchase Orders

Once you have the filters you are looking for set. Select Save View

⚠️Save Your View: Preserve Filters but does not save Columns

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