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Video - How to Setup Multi-Site

Quick demonstration on multi-site

Joseph Schmitt avatar
Written by Joseph Schmitt
Updated over a week ago

Do you have multiple sites that you need to separate your assets/parts/locations on? Or maybe you want to have access to a certain site to administer but do not want others to manage that site's assets, parts, etc? These few use cases among many others is a great example of why you need Multi-Site for Upkeep! Multi-Site is great for medium to large businesses that will help in reducing time to access information as you only are required to use one login to switch between multiple sites.

Each site/location set up with a separate account will allow users to:

  • Easily switch between multiple sites/accounts with a single login

  • Customized reporting and analytics across multiple sites (admins)

  • Compare and contrast facilities across multiple locations under a single account

Note: In order to use this feature you will need to set up or already have set up multiple seperate UpKeep accounts. The Multi-Site is available beginning on the Business Plus Plan!

Here is a quick video demonstrating how to setup multi-site. Enjoy!

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