How to Bookmark your Work Orders

Keep an eye on important work orders or use them for offline mode!

Ben On avatar
Written by Ben On
Updated over a week ago

For important Work Orders that we want to keep a special eye on, we have the ability to Bookmark.

This gives you the ability to have these work orders appear under the Bookmarks filter. So for example, if you have an audit coming up, you can bookmark the relevant work orders to have them all ready to export. ​

Otherwise, learn more about the other filtering options by clicking here.

TIP: Bookmarked work orders can be used in Offline Mode!

How to Bookmark a Work Order

  1. Select the desired Work Order

  2. Select the Bookmark image/button on the top right of the work order

  3. You can also hover your mouse cursor over the work order and click on the Bookmark button on the far right

Here's a GIF:

How to Filter Bookmarked Work Orders

To filter your Bookmarked Work Orders into view, just click on the Bookmarked tab on the Filters bar!

NOTE: You may also need to apply other filters.

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