Available On: Lite, Starter, Professional and Business Plus
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This guide will walk you through the steps to mark work orders as completed, ensuring all tasks are properly documented and closed out. You'll also learn how to review and update checklists, input information, and add completion notes. Whether you're confirming work completion or filling out detailed checklists, this guide has you covered!
How to View the Work Order Details on Web
Click on the Work Orders Tab on the left side menu
Click on the Desired Work Order to View
Once the work order is open, you will see the following items:
Overview: The Work Order Overview (what your team will see when opening the work order)
Tasks: Your Task/Checklist Items from this Work Order
Labor: Any associated Labor Costs to the Work Order
Parts: Parts being used on your Work Order
Costs: Any additional costs associated to the Work Order
Files: Any attachments you have added to the Work Order
Activity: Update Notes and comments from your Team Member
Images: They will appear on the right side of your work order if they have been added.
How to Process and Complete Your Work Order
Click on the Work Order Status Button.
Select the Work Order Status applicable:
Note: When you update the status, it will send out notifications to applicable users, such as your admins or the requester.
Automatically update timer based on WO status changes: Timer will automatically start once a WO is moved into the 'in progress' status, and will end once the status reaches 'complete'. For 'open' and 'on hold', the user can decide whether to start or pause the timer. Your company admins can turn this setting on our off. To find this setting, click this link.
Add in Costs associated with the work order, like Drive time, Wrench time, Labor, etc.
Add in Parts used to complete the work order
Complete your Tasks and leave any Activity/Update Notes to let your team members know what was done on the work order
When you are ready with your information and the work order has been completed, update the status to Complete
FAQs about Viewing/Processing Work Orders on Work Orders (New)
What if I need to update details on a Work Order?
If you created the work order, you are able to make edits, but only admins can edit all work orders. Technicians can only edit/delete work orders they created. If technicians need something updated, they will need to reach out to the company admin.
How can you let a co-worker or manager know an update or important note about a work order?
Click the activity tab on the work order menu and @mention the co-worker/manger and let them know the important information. You can only @mention users who are active in UpKeep.
Unable to Complete Work Order?
Make sure you have filled out every detail required for completion. Sometimes this can be missing time or a task left incomplete.