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How to Set Up Webhooks

Set up two way integrations with UpKeep using webhooks

Updated over 9 months ago

Available On: Business Plus

Webhook Basics?

Webhooks are your real-time data superheroes! No more waiting around – they let you push data instantly and sync your applications with UpKeep as events happen in your account.

For instance, when a work order is closed, the total cost can be sent straight to Quickbooks the moment the status changes to "Completed." Any event within your UpKeep account can trigger lightning-fast data sharing! βš‘πŸŒπŸ“Š

Create a "Catch Hook"

The first step would be setting up the catch hook. This will be the endpoint that will get triggered by events and sent your event data. This can either be a custom endpoint that your engineering team creates or you can use a more simple solution like Zapier to help create one.

Set Up Your Webhook in UpKeep

  1. Navigate to your Settings Page

  2. Select the Webhooks Tab

  3. Select + Add Webhook

  4. Set-Up the Details of your Webhook

    1. Title

    2. Endpoint (this would be the URL of your Catch Hook)

    3. Choose what events you would like to trigger the webhook

  5. Select Add Webhook

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